Third edition Rumours

That’s wonderful… Now give us the Dwarfs preview.:grinning:




actually “dwarves” appears a few times before Tolkien, often in documents that also used ‘dwarfs’. Tolkien popularized the usage though.
and interestingly ‘elfs’ was the common form until 200 years ago, before it changed to ‘elves’ for some reason. Tolkien, being a linguist and philologist, just applied to the same process to the plural of dwarf.

Let’s start a campaign to have humanfs.



Thankfully the -1 to hit from phalanx drops them down to 5+, which is pretty harsh! Subsequent turns however…

Phalanxe still strips TC but now also gives -1 hit to cavalry, large cav and flyers who charge front.

In other news Dwarf bulwark lose big shield. This along with Brocks probably being " toned down" isn’t good. The only " fast " unit Dwarfs have in a game where movement is king and many scenarios are move based.
We shall see…

Brocks needed some toning down (saying this as a dedicated Dwarf player here). I love running Dwarf infantry, and it made almost no sense in 2nd when Brock and Earth Elementals were just so much better than infantry.

Losing Big Shield isn’t that much of a downside - they dropped 25pts in price, and with the changes to Phalanx they are still a great unit. I’m not as worried about Brock, but I’m very curious to see what Ironclad and Ironguard get (not holding out much hope for Ironwatch, given the stated intention to keep shooting secondary to melee).

Also, for those who didn’t see it -

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Not disagreeing , Brocks are great, elementals are good too. ( Abysal Elementals are even better) But my point is still valid. Dwarfs have one real " fast " unit and many scenarios are movement based. Movement is a huge part of the game. If Dwarfs are going to be handicapped in movement then they need something to make up for it.

Im looking forward to the Dwarf Preview.

Spitballing here, but is it time for a Dwarf chariot unit?? He said seriously, ignoring the irony of chariots being nerfed back a bit in 3E.

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Another fast unit would be nice to quell the cries of “you always take Brocks”. Even a flying mount option for a Hero would be nice. (engineer on copter or something) Im still hopeful for positive changes for Dwarfs in 3rd. Headstrong blows.

If Ice Elemental Hordes have Breath(18) at Piercing (1), I hope the other Elementals are also going beast mode…

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it is also possible that they are reworking the Scenarios to be less reliant on fast movers.


What days are previews? Tuesday/ Friday?

I thought Tuesdays and Thursdays

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Yeah, Im not sure- I was asking if anyone knew definitely.

Seriously dude! I’ve been waiting to see what ice elementals do in KOW and was pretty stunned - I’ve got an entire army of fire elementals, whose schtick is friends with breath attaks, and now I’m here wondering if I’m really about to build an ice army to do the same thing, except better :expressionless: (I actually didn’t consider that other elementals might be buffed, I just assumed ice were the, uh, new hotness.)


I hope it’s all Elementals, I really do. From what I have seen though, the Northern Alliance stuff is sporting really good stats. Hopefully they are just advertising with the more bonkers stuff.

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Woohoo!! Dwarfs look great - Brocks are still good but not overwhelming, Steel Behemoths got some good changes, Cannons are worth taking again, and it sounds like the King on a Large Beast gained Nimble!

Also, did I miss something, or did he say that Earth Elementals are gaining Brutal in addition to CS(1)? Was that in a different preview, or on one of the FFS podcasts?

All in all, totally made my week!