This Gnome Kingdom Force is the Result of Blackjack Legacy’s Slowgrow Challenge (and still growing )
Have fun!
P.S.: And a tutorial of how I converted the Goblins into Gnomes (english subtitles)
This Gnome Kingdom Force is the Result of Blackjack Legacy’s Slowgrow Challenge (and still growing )
Have fun!
P.S.: And a tutorial of how I converted the Goblins into Gnomes (english subtitles)
These are amazing!
I agree, they look absolutely amazing
every time you post something I’m in awe, they are fantastic and also the faces are perhaps the creepiest part of them, faces on shields, faces on artillery, judging my army with every step!
This project is genuinely fantastic. Thanks for sharing!!
Amazing, great job !
Wow! Thanks alot for your really nice feedback Atm I’m working on this month’s progress for the Slowgrow Challenge, here’s a WIP of the whole army (and some pics of the artillery from Oldschool Miniatures, forgot to post them earlier)
OMG snail cav, I need to see more of them
…and Slowgrow Challenge’s fifth month is done: regiment spitters, 2x chariots (bomb waggons or mincers), cavalry
And something new I tried: to write an army progress video of yesterday’s additions! I’m super looking forward to your feedback thanks in advance & have fun!!
…and the Slowgrow Challenge is done! Finally!
This month I added a Horde of Trolls (Earth Worm Theme), Mawbeasts (rebased Squigs), Flaggit (Musician count as), Cavalry Hero (White Rabbit). I must say the Challenge was a blast, although I didnt have much time for this project in the Corona month (due to painting commissions, so I could work from home). Maybe 1 week every month since March. But hey, the Deadlines helped, minis got finished.
Still some ideas in my head (Bird Winggits e.g.) and definitely need more Rabble regiments. So the army will keep growing but maybe a little bit slower…
Thanks alot for your feedback, that was real motivation. Really appreciate that! Hope you enjoyed the journey so far
Fantastic job! Unique and well executed.
Love the additions! Happy to see this army keep growing, so much wonderful fantasy and fantastical wonder going on