Since the official Mantic forum was discontinued I was posting my rules queries at DakkaDakka,
After discovering this forum I feel much more at home here, so I intend to continue with it in this topic.
I really welcome some changes and clarifications introduced in the new VG FAQ,
Though, it puzzles me how the mounts are worded in the Equipment section. The text states that the models equipped with a mount get Cav base size. Does it mean only the base size is changed and the model does not get the Cavalry rule/ability?
I took a completely new warband, the Trident realms, against a friend yesterday who played dwarfs, also for the first time. New warbands means new rules, so we got some questions to clarify.
The Dambuster has a special ability (Defensive Toxins) stating that in the end phase the engaged enemy models take an automatic hit (with CS but that’s irrelevant). My opponent had a barely surviving knocked down model engaged to the Dambuster, so it took a hit.
1a) Can a die be added (for 1 power) to the armor saves at this stage (end of phase). I think the answer is yes but would like to have it confirmed.
2b) The armor save fails. Does the model get a roll for a morale? It is not obvious that the dambuster’s special attack should be treated as Melee but we treated it this way, so the model was dead without rolling for a morale.
In another round, a barely alive dwarf model was standing fatigued engaged to my large model (again Dambuster but that’s irrelevant). My opponent activated the model, failed to get rid of the fatigue (Headstrong roll) and decided not to do anything else. Is this possible? I mean is the “activated” model required to make any meaningful action? Obviously, my opponent did not want to Melee (the only option for a Fatigued engaged model) as he was afraid of retaliation. We decided it was OK, so my large model had to spend an action to attack the engaged model.
Finally, and this is not a question, rather a suggestion related to point 2). In our group we think it should be possible to Brace when Engaged. We know the rules prohibit it but there are situations like the above when the model may prefer to brace itself anticipating opponent’s attack even when Engaged.
1a) The Power rules stat that “whenever” an Armour Save is made you can add a die, so yes.
1b) I would also say “yes” - that all hits are treated as an attack of the appropriate type (e.g. adjacent uses Melee rules, distant uses Ranged), but that’s more of a guess.
2a) Melee, pg 16. Unless attempting a Break Away action a model that is engaged by standing models must make a Melee attack.
2b) Brace is prohibited when Engaged? I don’t recall that rule. If so, one of my opponents has been using Big Shield to Brace and attack in the same turn.
On 1b) I guess you mean the answer to the question is “no” (the knocked-down model suffering a wound cannot roll for a Morale) but you wrote “yes” to agree with how we played it.
On 2a) Ah, I missed the “must” on p.16. This makes it clear.
And Brace is really prohibited when Engaged. See the last sentence in the box on Engaged on page 17.
Another rules question (I think its proper to revive this topic for further rules questions):
About the Goblin SLINK spell:
(…) the target model removes any activation counter on it and can be activated AGAIN this round in a later turn.
Now: If the model that is target of the slink spell is FATIGUED at the moment when the spell is successfully cast:
will the fatigue be removed as soon as i activate the model AGAIN that turn?
Which means in theory a model could get 4 activations :
1.Activate model,
2.then force fatigue it,
+. then slink it,
3. Then activate it again (thus losing the fatigue),
4.force fatigue it again
It just sounded TOO good to us, so i wanted to make sure…
1.Activate model, = 2 short/1 long
2.then force fatigue it, = 1 short for 1 power
+. then slink it, uses the caster’s short action
3. Then activate it again (thus losing the fatigue), = 1 short
4.force fatigue it again = 1 short for 1 power
so you’re spending 2 power and an activation of the caster for a net warband actions gain of (5-1 =) 4 short actions. That’s only 1 more than the three short actions you’d have if you just regular fatigued the initial model in it’s initial activation and left it at that. Seems fine to me