What Kings of War Armies do you play at 100% based & painted

Well on the one hand, all of the Elves that I have are fully based and painted by my standards.

On the other hand, they still aren’t a full army yet points wise.

On the third hand, I’ve still played them in a few smaller scale games, so they count, I think.

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I could field a fully painted Herd army at 2500pts.

There’s also loads that isn’t painted, and some of what is isn’t painted by me but there we go

Forces of the Abyss (2000)
– WHFB Nurgle legacy army slowly bolstered by Mierce + WMH
Salamanders (3000)
– Reaper-heavy flamebound to be replaced with 90% Mantic in 2022+
Trident Realm (2500)
– Khurasan + Mierce crab things
The Herd (3000+)
– Golem Arcana repaints and 3D printed spooky tree things

I’m always trying very hard to not make new armies, but I’ll probably cave and 3D print a frostbound NA army (2300/2600) this winter, and my next big army project is going to be tapping the massive box of Skorne (Basileans + Ogres) living in my closet :grimacing:


I’m making a dent in the unpainted pile by selling it more than by painting.

(won’t be selling any painted miniatures, that was a mistake)


These guys LOVE CoK!

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@Xanathar wrong topic?

Sorry, we were visited by some wonderful Mantic administration to kick off the sales of the Clash book! Cheers M8

I mean that it’s in the topic about 100% painted armies

I have about 2500 100%-painted Basileans and 525 finished Trident Realms. As I never play unpainted stuff, I’m motivated to keep them growing. (It’s my way to keep me from never finishing things :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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Pictures please! I really like the look of fully painted Basilaens!

This is a wide shot. I could take some close ups in a separate painting-Topic, if you are interested


looking sweet @Bandrol

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Those look beautiful.

Thanks :blush:
It’s an all Mantic-approach. Only the two statues are not, because Mantic has none.


I’m interested!