2024 New Year Resolutions

First quarter check in!

My 15mm Early Imperial Romans are painted:

This includes:
A terrain and conversion project for my Dwarfs.
A few dwarfs for Frostgrave.
Some extra scarecrows for my Nightstalkers.
Commanders for my 15th century Germans.
Eastern troops and allies for my Romans.

The German project has expanded, because I got a contingent of Landsknechts to add in.
Which lets my late Medieval Germans venture into the early Renaissance.
This project has skipped the priority que to be next, because I’m keen on historical in the “Pike and Shot” era at the moment.

Which makes the dwarf terrain project less likely this year.

I also have a lot of assorted fantasy minis (about 100 of them).
I’ve been chipping at those when I didn’t feel like my main project and they’re almost all ready for priming, when weather allows.


I will have 600 points of Empire of Dust and 600 points of Ogres painted, and based, in about one month’s time (at my current rate of work, which is painting 5 models a day, if they’re something relatively simple like a skeleton warrior).

I’ve got a village and two necro shrines from TT Combat to assemble and paint, maybe say that’s another week’s work.

After that, for the rest of the year, I’d like to buy and finish Ambush boxes for both EOD and Ogres, at a minimum. Possibly the odd ‘other’ unit or hero also, but if I could get them towards 1000 points apiece by the end of the year I’d be happy with that.

Doable you say?

Yes, but I’ve also committed to my sons that in August we will buy Ambush boxes for Twilight Kin and Forces of the Abyss. I foolishly gave them the choice of their own faction… Thinking I’d hear not that much more about it, but they keep bringing it up… So doesn’t look like I can wriggle out of that one.

I’ll assemble and paint all through the year, more or less at the current pace, not sure where that will have me finish up.


Checking in as well. I wanted to get in 24 games. So far I’m at 11. I still haven’t attended an event but am hopeful to do that as well. And as for painting, I wanted to add 8 units this year. I’ve added 2 regiments of zombie trolls and 2 troops of villein skirmisher cav, so I’m ahead of the curve on that one as well.


Things have been slow with my Mantic stuffs. Nothing in May and only 9 models in June. Half-way through the year, between both my Mantic Nightstalkers and Age of Sigmar Nighthaunt, I’ve completed 155 models with only 4 models purchased: 1 Void Lurker and 3 Mythic America monstrosities which are going towards my Nightstalkers. (Warlord Games has a summer sale on. You can’t argue with 50% RRP for big resin gribblies)


We’re half way through the year!
No KoW so far, but a bunch of other stuff, including Mantic models.

After getting my Romans painted, goals were this:

I got the commanders done:

Then I got side tracked, due to a gift from a friend.

Which is well underway and would possibly be done, but I got side tracked during my sidetrack project. :sweat_smile:
Mantic’s Summer of Sci-Fi inspired me to get my Sci-Fi project from 2 years ago done.
Two sets of miniatures and some scratch build terrain.

That’s enough to play Space Station Zero and try out Deadzone with a pathfinder strike team, if my opponent brings terrain.

These are are all assembled and most are primed.

The rest will have to will have to wait while I get back to the small contingent of Landsknechts that are coming along and then move on to a 15mm Feudal European army (see below the Landsknecht picture).

There is a historical wargaming tournament next year, but I don’t have a painted army in theme*.
A friend of mine happend to have a mostly painted abandonded protect that is in theme and became a gift.
There are a few things to paint and a bit of style matching with minis I want to add in and then I can take Feudal French to the ADLG tournament at Hotlead 2025.

*Historical tournaments are often themed (as opposed to open), for Ancients and Medieval rules at least.
Generalised rules for Ancient warfare (there are several) are written to cover warfare from the beginning of history to the advent of gunpowder (which changes warfare enough to need different mechanics). With the same mechanics, but troop types and their availability change over time.
With 45 centuries and 300 list to choose from, it’s unlikely that everyone attending a tournament would pick the same part of history, so tournaments are often themed to restrict the scope and keep the armies from facing anachronistic enemies (to some degree, at least).


I have made 1000 pts with my Ogres and EOD fairly comfortably, at this stage. I could field a 2000 point Ogre army if it came to it, but it would be a bit of a boring list.

Ahead on my Twilight Kin promise anyway, I bought an army box and I have everything apart from the impalers assembled.

With Forces of the Abyss I’ve been looking at what’s out there and it’s hard to justify going ahead with anything just at the moment, I’d like to see what the refresh looks like.


Checking in again: attended an event and ahead of pace on games played. So far, so good in 2024.


July - 32 models* complete, all for my Nightstalkers. Another regiment of Scarecrows, a Troop of Tormentors and a regiment of Blood Worms I made out of Sculpey


I completed one of my resolutions by taking part in an event! It was a doubles event, each partner bringing 1100 points. My ogres are shown here:

As well as getting more than zero votes for the painting competition, I actually won the tournament, though i think that is predominantly down to my awesome partner for the day and his twilight Kin that seemed to have a buff for every roll!

More importantly, it was good fun, and so if i can find time in my ridiculously busy calendar I’ll try another event. If i have done my goal of 2300 ogres by the end of the year I’ll be well placed for a full event next year!


It’s the end of quarter 4!

I got these done:

These are battle ready.
I’ve re-based them and got everything painted.
I still want to spruce up the minis I got already painted though.

As is customary in October (for me), I have some nightstalkers to paint next.
With the allied/vassal troops for my Imperial Romans hopefully by the end of the year.

  1. Nope! Sorry, Chaos bois. In related news, this year probably marks my most negative feelings about 40k as a games system since I walked away in 7E.
  2. Yep! Not a ton but I painted a Brock regiment, a Stormclaw regiment, a Stormclaw hero, a third Mastiffs pack and a random monster that doesn’t fit in the Free Dwarf list. Two regiments of little dudes and a second Stormclaw regiment to go, plus a random titan that may or may not happen.
  3. Krootober is here! Really hoping to get them done by Krootvember. Nids sadly were just removed from the game (for now).
  4. I built and primed a lot of Warmachine but have only painted 1 test troll for Cryx and a few lesser beasts for Skorne. It’s something!

As for events, I’ve attended five GTs so far, with a sixth likely before year end. Not too shabby!


Well… I have ended up with maybe 2k of Ogres and EOD so far this year.

1100 pts or so of Twilight Kin so far, and it will rise as I paint more reapers.

I have a Forces of the Abyss mega army coming at the end of the month.

I’d expect all done by the end of the year.

Next year, hopefully no new armies, just consolidating.


Wow! That’s a lot in one year!

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Some of those points are from late 2023 in fairness!

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My resolutions were a 2300 point ogre army and painting the dungeon saga origins minis.

Done most of the goblins from DS, mainly to use in the ogre army though.

Newest addition is my regiment of shield breakers, i have another regiment to do to make it a horde and then i am one ogre bezerker bully away from a 2300 point army