Armada - I think i'm going to need a bigger boat!

Everyone getting their boats, yay :slight_smile:

Mine arrived as well, but it will be a while before I get started on them.

If I start boats now I’ll never finish my elf army :wink:

But dayum, those models look cool!

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I’ve bought a few Warlord Games ships and while I like the hulls, the sails and masts are not as good as the Mantic ships. But my KOM and Rhodians will definitely need naval support so I am am ‘forced’ to by more ships😁

I was somewhat uninterested with Armada but this fleet has made me reconsider. Immense.

Test orc boat pretty much done


Basilean ship and something to hunt!


Lovely! I painted my first ship too (see here), now working on the two smaller Basilean ships.

Has anyone played a sea battle yet? My theorybuilding favours Abesses, supported by Gun Brigs and Gur Panthers over Elohi based fleets.

Nice job on yours Vince.

Painting the lot and will figure stuff out later! Do want to pick up a second Abbess and do think that style list has some merit

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Couple more boats for each fleet


I really like your orc fleet, the paintjob on it is fantastic. The basilean ships are also nice but not that much appealing to me. Maybe its the pictures, maybe my personal preference. It is great you also managed to add the crew on the ships, it is a lovely add-on. Keep on with the good work!

EDIT: Maybe I found out what I do not like about the basilean ships, the emblems on the sails. They are sticking out too much. It is good you sanded out the orc ones, I may do the same when my empire of dust fleet comes. The emblems themselves are not a problem, the problem is their too thick layer prevents them looking as painted on the sails.


Yeah, completely agree. If they’d had the emblem in less relief (like on the small boat) I would have preferred that.

Glad you like the orc ones - the models are a joy to paint.

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More orc vessels and some sea monsters for them to hunt!


Basilean reinforcements.



lovely texture to the wood ect.

Orc & Basilean ships, plus the first of a small Abyssal fleet.


Wow, I really love the Elohi ship with the alternative bow and dragon! Might want to steal that one!


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Are the black sails painted with contrast paints?

Few group shots - as currently have run out of ships to paint!

@Vince - cheers. Its from the GW Chaotic Beasts kit for Warcry - there are a number of spare heads and work really easily.

@KoshtraBelorn - yeah, drybrushed various shades of grey, black contrast then light highlight


Some WiP ships for a count as abyssal fleet


Slowly completing the fleet. This is 4/5, my 2nd Elohi.