Circus Gobbolino - Goblin circus themed army

Hey everyone, I decided to take some own pics of the missing units, because times are tricky to finde time slots with my buddy.
Those guus here were a luck shot on the Spiel Trade Fair in Germany, I think they’re from Warmachine/Hordes🤔
But they fit wonderfully and, for explaining reasons, I imagine them as a mix of protection force for the circus (you know, scare animals away
from the camp, scout for worthwhile locations, do advertising, burn some places for space…stuff like that. Usual business. And for artistic jousting of course. The unit’s hero is an orcling, wielding an arrow, and riding a mighty goose (got that from, I could simply not not order a bunch of them😄
Hope you like them!


Smart! And interesting way to break the unit basing down to get a hero out of it.

If you’re looking for more of them, they’re these:

And there’s a large cav hero version too:


Ah yes, I remember: Neigh Slayers! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I looked at their range then, but I was already done with “recruiting” for the circus and strangely they are very expensive if you don’t get them on fairs and stuff :thinking: thanks for the reference!


On the last post I mentioned the Spiel Boardgame Fair, and here is the second thing I got from there. I was in need for a Winggit, but wanted an airship. So perfectly those showed up:
Ancestral Zeppelins from Titan Forge

Obviously dwarfs know nothing about engineering and fun, so there had to be some improvements. The Winggit, or, as I call it - The Goblin Pride Force! (maybe you get an idea where that came from :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )

In case you wonder what the color firework is:
I wanted to keep the guns (because who doesn’t like Gatling Guns!) but didn’t want a menacing look. So I decided to give confetti guns a try, and without my wife I would’ve not come to good solution - Glittery Cocktail Toothpicks :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Simply fantastic as always.


i’ll agree with Niall, great work as always. Love the Goblin Pride zepplin, what’s not to love about it!


Thank you guys! I considered putting up a banner which is carried by the zeppelin, with Gobbolino advertising on it, but it would’ve been too big and too complicated with the propeller… and there is a big Gobbolino sign on the Arachnarok Ticket Office already, I think that’s enough :wink:


Fabulous army. So much fun going on!


Thanks a lot :slight_smile: fun was the driving force behind all those little green guys !

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Quick and dirty, because I wanted to play them on a tournament list then… My circussized version of Magwa & Jo’os :stuck_out_tongue:


I participated in a speedpainting challenge on IG a while ago, and used the opportunity to get this little guy off the desk. it’s another one of the circus Bloodbowl Team from Gaspez Arts, although I’m not quite sure if the both belong together or meant to be assembled otherwise than I did… I swapped the right hand and used pipe cleaners (like I did with the trolls) to give some quick and quirky fun aspect. The competition was about painting an assembled and primed model in 2 hours, and even if I didn’t get over round 1, I’m pretty happy about both of how he turned out and that I have one last circus mini finished :slight_smile:
I think he would best be a mounted ASB or a Biggit, but thankfully KoW and it’s community is flexible enough to decide that from game to game :+1:


it sure is pretty

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Somehow I jumped those guys - clearly a Gobbo army needs rabble, and what is rabble more than…clowns? :stuck_out_tongue::clown_face:
Most guys of this unit are the rest of the Gaspez Arts boxes, and I helped myself with the tent to fill the other regiment base (it’s from microart studios again). I know it’s somewhere neat minimum mc, but luckily the guys I play with are fine with Rule of Cool, as long as it’s visible effort which went into the unit :sweat_smile: my first thought was, to make something like a small coach or cart in Clown Car Style, but I wasn’t able to find a suitable vehicle. So the tent it is now.


you had me at Gobbo :stuck_out_tongue: awesome

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Thanks again friend ! Gobbo love is true love💚

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Coming to the two last units I have for the circus, and something a Gobbo army should inevitably run in every list, no matter the theme: Mincer Mobs! I thought that using some spare bitz to create a funny circus cart would be nice, but soon I came to the conclusion, that using big bitz would be even better :smiley: so the stuffed monster cart was born, and as well as the spare dragon head, also all those leftover-green stuff-tentacles finally filled a space (pun intended).

Sorry for the many pics of that one unit, but it was hard to get the “details” visible :grimacing:



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A particularly inspired unit! Stuffed Monster Carts should just be the name of the things now.

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Fantastic! :smiley:

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The last thing I can show you of this whole army-journey is the second mincer mob I usually play (of course they could just be chariots, but the look fits more in mincers in my eyes). The model itself was my first purchase of (tabletop) things, which I didn’t have any use for, but solely wanted to have the mini. One of my favorite GW models, and the very first model of my Goblin army, years before it was started :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The Gobbolino Ticket Office

Happy little accident (!), this is the 100th post in this thread, which is oddly satisfying as it marks the end of Gobbolino units I have :slight_smile: I hope you guys had some fun with the circus!

Next army (with some backtracking to my beloved undead) will be the Empire of Dust!