Cyberactivity's Twilight Kin: The Shadow Blades

Thank you.

It’s GW Changeling model from the old Demons of Chaos range. Think they re-released it in finecast, just this was the metal version.

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He kind of stands out against the rest of the army…

At least he doesn’t have the stealthy rule…that just wouldn’t fit.


Those are some sweet miniatures. Great colour scheme and the units knit well together


Sweet looking army


3 regiments and 1 horde of butchers completed.

They look good alongside the existing 2 hordes and the 3 fleshrippers:

That makes 1310pts finished since the start of the year.


That’s a lot of Butchers! More specifically, a lot of nicely painted Butchers with a really smooth and eminently diggable paint scheme. Great work on the lot of them :blue_heart:


Finished painting up and flocked 8 hills to be used in the Shroud of the Reaper events:

Haven’t really done scenery before. This was more enjoyable than expected.


they look great, well done


Finish rebasing this guy a couple weeks ago.


Green Scribes are adorable :green_heart:


Thank you. Had them built for years.

Got a few things left to rebase from my old Warhammer army.

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So it’s been just over a week since I attended the UK KoW Masters.

This was the list I took:

Went back and forth on what to take. As I qualified as best in race with Twilight Kin so had to take them. The choice came down to if I wanted to take 3 or 4 Mindscreech. In the end went for the 3 with no allies. Chose a list that that I had everything painted and basically knew what it did. Here is a pic of the army:

Game 1 - Steven with Salamanders

This game was a disaster. So much so that I should of apologised to Steven. Was extremely sleep deprived due to having a lot of anxiety and not getting any sleep really the night before.

The scenario was dominate. Steve had 3 US higher, the table favoured him greatly and he got to pick sides and chose the side that had a clear path for cav.

Everything went wrong, including me timing out on turn 4. If that hadn’t happened think I could have at least drawn.

Result: Loss

Game 2 - Matt with Halflings

Bottom table…

Not played Halflings before. This was Raze. Got confused (no sleep really doesn’t help) and thought it was Salt the Earth…not the best start.

The game was swinging one way then the other. Came down to the last roll of the game where pulled it back from a small loss to a draw. We both scored decently in the additional tournament pts. Really close game.

Result: Draw

Game 3 - Jon with Goblins

I’ve played Mr Gunns a few times before. It’s always a good game.

Before we started I pointed out Kuzlo and said that Mikayel was going to take him out. Said that he was going character hunting.

Mindscreech did well blasting things like the giant.

Came down to us both holding 3 objectives on the last turn. After Mikayel and the Soulbane had finished killing characters and the giant, they charged the Wingit on the objective and dismantled it. Giving me the win.

Result: Win

Day 2

Slept slightly better…still not great. Aim today was not to finish last :smile:

Game 4 - Steve with Undead

This was always going to be a tough game. Push be Undead with a decent general at the helm.

Steve has covered this on Day 2 video of his Master’s video (Death by Dragons).

One mistake near the start not putting the tokens on a mind screetch before moving them (after spears dropped them), and last turn no damage out of 35 attacks (bane chant failed me) cost me the game. Also Mindscreech could simply not hit most of the game…who said they were OP?!

Great guy, great game. Again came down to last dice rolls of the game. 3 games out of 4 that has happened so far.

Result: Lost

Game 5 - Nick with Undead

Now Mr Williams is a fantastic player, and his Undead list was nails.

This was going to be a really tricky game. Just didn’t want to embarrass myself and wanted to give Nick a decent game.

Nick went for the kill turn 1 with trying a 8" surge with 20 dice. He failed by 1. This cost him his knight horde.

The game went my way for the first 3 turns, then it swang back to go Nick’s way for the last 3 turns.

Finished as a draw, with Nick being up 145pts up on kills after killing a Mindscreech last turn. Else it would have only been 5pts between us.

Result: Draw

Ended the event 13th out of 22. Proud of that result considering had to take TK and the disastrous start. Did much better than I thought, and happy I didn’t embarrass myself. :slight_smile:

Medal is now proudly sitting on my trophy shelf with the mini trophy Jon gave me after our game.


2 hordes of Water Elementals done. Had these for a while but was struggling to work out how best to paint them. Easy to mess them up.

This brings up the points painted/sorted this year to 1850pts plus 8 hills.


Thanks for the rundown! And your army looks great altogether. I’m sure I’ve said it before, but impressive tuft work on the basing (same goes for the water elementals).

I was just rechecking your TK list to see how much Host Shadowbeast you took, when I reminded myself that UK Masters used COK21 rules. Which was probably a fine choice, if less exciting :face_in_clouds:

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Yeah, Masters is normally played under the rules that you qualify as.

I’ve got an updated version of the list for the new book. The 30pts saved goes and buys Shadowbeast (8). The other change is to swap the soulbane out for the LL crone.

As I’m painting new stuff up I’ll probably adjust the list to see what works and what doesn’t.

As it is I’m not even sure if I want to play Twilight Kin this season. Already achieved my goals with them last season so well that it might be time to try a different faction for a little while. I’m not sure. It looks like I’ve accidentally painted up a fair sized Forces of Nature army…


2022 season like ‘Oops, It’s Forces of Nature’ :man_shrugging:

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Greater Water Elemental completed and varnished:


Troop of Shadowhounds and 3 x Reaper Souldrinkers completed:


a nice blend of contrasting colours between the models and their bases. Very nice work @Cyberactivity


Love these, they really pop

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