Cyberactivity's Twilight Kin: The Shadow Blades

Maybe they were just fools! Kidding of course. But your army does look great and that sounds like it was a good time.


So I’m taking the NS to the tournament on Sunday.

It’s got a number of painting awards on off which is what tipped the scale in deciding what to take.

I’ve even painted up a special character model for the event. He’s called Lucky Jim.

Did some extra detail work on what I’m using for the void lurker.

Fingers crossed it does okay…


Looks fantastic Cyber! Good luck this weekend. Those old C’tan models were sweet. Nice use in Nightstalkers.


Best of luck tomorrow in the tournament and on the painting competition. It is a seriously sweet army

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So the tournament has come and gone.

30 players in total.

Game 1 Vs Martin (Salamanders) - Plunder

Couple of highlights was lightning bolting the ceremonial guard then windblasting back until they got taken off. That and Lucky Jim being used by opponent to try and turn double 1 into anything else…and re-rolling a 1 into another 1.

Great opponent and lovely Lizardmen models used.

Win, 19-0

Game 2 Vs Peter (Elves) - Control

This list was a tough one. Double palace guard horde and a dragon with double cav (pathfinder ftw). Was a really strong list.

Peter didn’t see some flank charges and paid a hefty price. Ended up claiming all 6 zones. Only Angus (inspiring titan) and Lucky Jim survived (wavered).

Peter was second new opponent and it was a close fought game, even if the score doesn’t agree. Great game, great guy.

Win 20-1

Game 3 Vs Justin (Nightstalkers) - Smoke & Mirrors

Almost a mirror match in some respects. Both lists had triple mind screech and triple soulflayers.

All 3 of my Mindscreech survived whilst killing all of Justin’s. All 3 of my soulflayers died (although did kill one of his). As a result we agreed that I’m the Master of Mindscreech and he was the Soulflayer Sensei.

Last turn used the only available Mindscreech to windblast his scarecrows off a contested objective turning the 2-5 into a 3-4.

Loss 7-17

So 2 big wins and small loss put me in 5th place overall.

Entered my Void Lurker in the best monster category, Portal of Despair in the best unit category, and of course Lucky Jim.

Actually managed to win 1st place in best unit (was 1st and 2nd available)!

Was dead chuffed as that was my goal this season achieved.

Now need to decide what to take to the next event :smiley:


Congratulations on the hobby win!


Well done @Cyberactivity

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Congrats on the Portal winning, well deserved! Nicely done in game as well.


Thank you @MechaSturgeon @Nav @Boss_Salvage .

The result was my 3rd scoring tournament this season (out of 4 that get counted for rankings). Put me up to 48th which isn’t at all bad considering. If I’m able to get in Top 30 by end of the season I’d consider that a success (as I’m barely doing the minimum number of events and only a single 2 day event at the moment).

Really unsure what to take to the next event. Currently painting up 4 void lurkers, 2 terrors and 2 troops of phantoms for the Nightstalkers.

However I’ve got a lot of Twilight Kin stuff that I could paint. It just takes me much longer to actually paint it.

Nightstalkers tend to be fairly quick to paint in comparison which is why at the last count I’ve got over 7k pts painted (will be about 9k once painting desk cleared).

Guess might just paint what I fancy and then try and put together a list closer to the time.


2 more troops of phantoms painted (4 now total).

That makes 4350pts painted this year + 8 hills + Lucky Jim.



Big congrats, even with 4+ months left :clap:

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they look awesome. well done

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These look even more phenomenal than usual! Is it your painting or your photography that’s suddenly improved so much (over an already astronomical standard)?


Thank you for the kind words. Here are the original unedited photos without the black background:

You can see the other 2 phantom troops a bit further up. They all match and look very similar.

I’m working on a lot of big models at the moment. 2 of which will have the same kind of flame effect as the phantoms do so they tie in with the army.


Definitely the painting! The way those colours flow into one another is fantastic.


Wow, I never noticed the “sticky” fingers and saliva up until now! Looks cool, how did you manage that?


UHU glue.

I put a small blob of it on my painting tile, then use a toothpick to get a little bit and place it on the model.

Then once applied give it some time to dry and varnish the model, making sure that the glue elements are well sprayed to strengthen them.


An excellent tip @Cyberactivity thanks. I’ve used clear mastik to make icicles, and I’ve even spotted some “spider webs” on some of my models when they catch the light from certain angles and spot the all purpose glue accidentally leaving a tracer after application of some base material or such, but i had never considered using it on purpose for that.

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Today assembled and painted (with help of my TO co-host Mark) the trophies/titans for the tournament I’m co-hosting. For the last game we have a custom scenario that involves one a giant Reaper.

Should be a great game. Quite chuffed with how the trophies turned out (name plates to be added).


For next weekends tournament, presenting the Shroud of the Reaper - Hollywood Titan:

So took a model I’d had quickly painted ages ago and added extra details and basing and effects to. You can see the before and after picture above.

I’ve submitted my list. It is proper dirty. Couldn’t get the 4 void lurkers done in time but am trying out the banshee and horror for the first time. I’ll share my list tomorrow perhaps (deadline is tonight). Know at 3k pts going to be some proper spam armies. Will have to hope they come up against their hard counter. :smiley: