Deadzone Showcase

Let me see all the Deadzones and Strike Teams out there! I’ll start with my Plague…

…and continue with my Enforcers


My Veer-myn stormtroopers :slight_smile:


Beautiful stuff!

Are those plague models mostly washed for highlights, or did you pick out details manually?
I’ve been putting off starting a plague strike team a bit, since the amount of manual detailing is scaring me a bit…

Also still lots to do with my current three teams.

Also very nicely painted scenery :slight_smile:


Thank you very much!
the fleshy bits are mostly drybrushed. The carapace armour and the faces are highlighted by hand. It was a fair bit of work, but do-able and, at least I think, worth it. All in all it didn’t take too long to paint. It’s a very easy and fun paint job, because you don’t have to be very careful about the details.
The scenery is mostly spraypainted and than detailed by hand. Lots of ‘rusty’ and black pigments do the rest.

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I took a little break from my Undead army for KoW and painted a Plague Burster for Deadzone.


A little repost to keep the DZ thread alive.


These all look great, especially the Enforcers posted 2 years ago - i love that colour scheme. I am going to be joining the deadzone train at Xmas (Assuming I get the presents I asked for, bought, and gave to my wife to wrap :slight_smile: ). Starter set so it will be GCPS and Veer-myn first. My son wants to be a baddy this time so he is going for the rats.

I’m sorely tempted by these too…

Les Grognards — Wargames Atlantic

A fench themed corporation or maybe French rebs (thow in some alien heads and things and other minature ranges).

Loads of stuff to paint before that though…


Thanks! It’s basically the standard Mantic paint scheme. They were a lot more white in 1st edition, than they are today.
Deadzone is a brilliant game. Building the table alone…, the anticipation, the upcoming chaos.
And still it’s well balanced and very easy to learn.
The Space-french are cool. Got get’em!


Guess I will share here too!

It’s a re-post, but here is my nameless strike team (don’t think it’s legal now, need a new leader).


I prefer fantasy models generally and have a load to get through, so this was a quick job to get 100 points of GCPS and veer-myn painted up. Fairly happy with them in the end though for a quick paint job.


More info if anyone is interested…

I decided with the GCPS that rangers have a blue helmet, veterans are red, standard marines are green. My lieutenant has no helmet. Medic is white and red. Coloured a few (but not many) details the same colour. Main colour is nazdreg yellow contrast paint. The yellow lines also denote unit type. Veterans have a V shape, rangers a T shape, leader has two lines, marine has one. Medic has two lines close together.

For the veer-myn I went for a very limited pallette. Contrast paint purple for armour with added pixie pink in a more comic book style highlight. Guiliman Flesh for the flesh. Green for weapons and trousers, starting with angle green, augmented with jungle green, poisonous cloud and yellow. The “sludge” is similar greens.

It was quite fun painting things quickly with a very limited colour set. I have more to do to complete the set but this first 100 points let’s me and my son play decent games.

Note that all the scenery has been sprayed with spray cans from Halfords but I’ve done buffer all else so it needs a lot of work!


Very nice! I like the idea of different helmets, depending on rank.


Wow … nice stuff! :slight_smile: I’ve got quite a few boxes of Deadzone stuff laying around as well, but that’s all for “after I’m done with my KoW army” - … which may or may not happen anytime soon … or at all :sweat_smile:

But this thread certainly kindles the motivation to get some Deadzone done as well … someday … maybe someday sooner after all, we’ll see :grin:


I have found it to be a nice distraction form my fantasy miniatures for a wee while. It’s also been quite nice to paint something with a bit more of a “who cares” approach in that I didn’t mind if they weren’t the best painted miniatures I have every produced (not that I am a great painter anyway :laughing:). As it happens they came out better than expected too, which was nice.


You might reconsidet your painting queue. Deadzone is a great game, maybe Mantic’s best.
It in a while we will be able to play Firefight 2nd Edition!


I hear ya @screamingaddabs ! Right now however I’m still painting the minis for my KoW army that were supposed to be ready for last Septembers tournament (but weren’t!) :sweat_smile: :joy:

At a minimum I’ve got another Treeherder, 2 Drakons and a Mage to finish … then maybe, let’s see … maybe it’s the Enforcers turn … or maybe some Undead will jump the que … or maybe my newborn that’s due to arrive anytime this or next week now will turn my life and hobby plans completely upside down (most likely!) :sweat_smile:

(Ultimate master plan includes having at least 2 playable KoW armies and at least 2 playable Deadzone striketeams as well as a complete table with terrain by the time the little one may be interested in wargaming of course! Still have some years … :wink: )


There is no maybe in this!

Premature congratulations, btw.


Thanks @KptKeno ! :grin:


I love those pink rats. Amazing job!


Thanks - A very different style to your ones (which I love!) but I’m happy with how they came out, especially for the speed with which I managed them, which was very quick for me.