December Dream! - painting topic

I painted a stone priest for what will become my dwarf vanguard faction…


Found some goblins i painted up a while ago. The gw stuff really is for painting armies where (the old) mantic gobos have pouches, extra daggers,etc… great for dungeon saga enemies but a pain when doing ranks of them. Was really happy with these guys and am doing a different paint style to my skeleton army.


Loving those Night Goblins, absolutely smashing burst of colour, bravo


There are still a lot of touch ups need to be done to the three hordes at the back to add more colours to them. (Think of a St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York with added Gay Pride colour, or a Golf conference in the middle of Mardi Gras in New Orleans). Also another twenty Celts to glue and paint to bolster this army, when they take on the invading Romans. Think of them as the ‘reserved’, who were still hung over from the celebrations when all the clans got together.

I will have to finish painting the base trims too.
All units are built to be either Kings of War, (along with my other units in my Herd army) or Hail Caesar .


1st Werewolf (test) model for my little “quick n dirty” ambush project.

Those go fairly quick and cost quite some points, perfect to build an army quickly :wink:


nice, @Mikes I do love those werewolve miniatures.

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Thanks @Nav ! It’s a really quick paintjob too compared to what I’m used to do with my elf minis, so I’m looking forward to having the two missing regiments done relatively quick and have a small ambush force… then likely paint some elves again! :wink:

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Started putting together a Samacris stand in - now that phoenix are actually good!!


Very nice @Sceleris ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Can’t wait to see it painted!

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Just before i paint it basically brown(!) which is likely to work better (pale flesh and variant brown feathers, bronze/silver for metal)?

The ‘fire’ at the bottom is my blue spot colour for anything magical

  • red on the robes and parchment round the lance
  • parchment on robes, red round lance
  • mix of red & parchment on the robes, blue on lance

This is the default model/paint scheme.


Varnish dried on all the bits of my Catapult and it s based and all finished now too! :slightly_smiling_face:

Quite an old Mantic model, but very cool. Really like how it turned out :slightly_smiling_face:


@Nav this is a really impressive army, I was looking through your herd army thread and its really a labour of love mate. Good stuff :+1:

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Nice catapult @Mikes and original colour combo for the army, looking forward to seeing the rest.

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Thanks @ClosetPainter !

And btw. that I was painting Skellies this month is kinda your fault if i remember right! :grin: Didn’t you say a while ago that you needed a change of pace from painting rank and file minis? Well reading that I decided for a little change of pace from painting all those large(r) minis I did the last year :wink:

2nd Skellie Regiment that I ve been painting on and off is complete now too :grin: :grin:


Much appreciated @ClosetPainter . It is indeed a labour of love, as I’ve had to review how i base my miniatures for flexibility, given the slippery slope of gaming in my local area. I’ve had to review each army i own, and with some, adapt them to fit more than one gaming rules. In the end though, I’ve come full circle and decided to keep some armies as one or another. My Celts though have to be at least two, Kings of War and Hail Caesar, to tackle my Roman force, (which I am still undecided which KoW army they best fit into. Possibly KoM or Varangur? ) Luckily, Hail Caesar puts which ever type of Celts, Brit/Gaul/Germanic as warbands mostly, which are 4 piece deep, so work well as Horde or Regiment.


Haha, at least someone is getting skellies done. The ghoul troop i posted was the last of the primed minis i had for that army. Still plenty more to go but time management skills are not my strong point.

That maroon colour really gives an earthy touch and compliments the blue really well. I regret the path i took to paint my army but its only one and i have more armies to go…

Next army i think will be black primer, zenthal highlights and speed paint… :smile:

PS- individual bases RULE :love_you_gesture: nice work


Like an eternal game of tennis I’m back to painting Romans. This time it’s my Veteran Legionnaires, where their equipment has seen better days, but that ’ lived in’ look is all the rage. Not that the ‘Vets’ care overly much about shiny hobnail boots or the rank scent of many men bunched together after a week of hard marching. They are just trying to stay alive long enough to get out of this perpetual British rain and get back to Rome… Still, the rookie recruits are as scared of them as they are the crazy colourful locals, so they can always barge through the queue to the food tents, and get their rations while it’s still hot.

The ‘Vets’ have been painted on the sprue, which i think is quicker . After adding the decals to the shields , I’m currently cutting them off and assembling them.
It also makes spotting those sneaky mold lines far easier too.


Wolves in progess: :slightly_smiling_face:


Love the skellies! Also went red/blue, but i swapped out the shields for round ones to fit with the rest of the models in the army


Nice conversion @Sceleris!! I especially like how you fit that skellie with the telescope in there :wink: Looks cool!

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