Joe's All- Mantic Dwarf army plog for 3rd

Love that your elementals keep up the clean, bright paint. Wonderful stuff.

Thanks man!


Another standard, this one declaring allegiance to the arms of King Golloch.


Standard Bearer with a nod of allegiance to the OG Mantic dwarf colour scheme


Whoa, where’s the standard bearer mini from? Is that Mantic?

yep, that’s the original one from around ten years ago- they still sell it I think. I replaced the actual standard with a brass flagpole though.

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That’s the Mantic dwarf standard bearer with a modified standard.

Lovely mini, paints up nicely. Kind of wish all the dwarfs were in that style.

do we know who designed those first few Dwarf metals? They look a bit like Kev White’s work, from Hasslefree, and I know Hasslefree used to advertise in the ManticJournal back in the day.

This army ran out of steam in mid 2020, when it looked like I’d never never get a game again. Now I’m returning to it to get it finished for Bullrun in March. Here’s the latest addition - it’s a Steel Behemoth based around the chassis of a Forgefather Half Track, with some other bits and pieces added: the hatch is a piece of Lego, the chimney is a map pin, the cowcatcher is made from a sealant remover tool.


Great tank redesign, plus your usual lovely clean execution :clap:

That’s a wonderful conversion! Well done.

Great to see you back.

Thanks all!

After 3 and a half years, the army is ‘finished’ (for now) and all ready for Bullrun 3 on Sunday.


Awesome looking army

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Congrats on an extremely satisfying Dwarf army. The king on large flea blows me away every time I see him, super smart.

Hope the tournament treated you well!

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I added some Bro

cks last week in time for Pride of the Shire, and prepared a display board too.


Awesome stuff mate - very 90s GW retro style

That’s quite an imposing full model count brock reg!