Also noticed that they’ve added at least one more level to height (infantry shown are 2, large infantry/cav are 3), and were legions already US 4? I thought they capped out at 3 with hordes.
There is a new Special rule: “shattering (n)” for ranged attacks with similiar effect as “brutal” for melee attacks. Seems to be a good possibility to make warmachines with one 1 attack more usefull, without overpowering them. I`m very curious how this will turn out in the army lists.
The two-player starter set is packed full of lovely plastic miniatures, which we would hate to crush with a massive 400-page hardback tome. So, with that in mind, Shadows in the North will come with a 200-page softback rulebook, rather than the limited-edition hardback rulebook we spoke about yesterday.
That’s to bad. I found that the old sisterhood infantry fit perfectly with my perry miniatures, while the new ones were a little big. I had hoped that these would be more 28mm than 32.
i suspect there will be a lot of Varangur players buying Northern Alliance basic infantry sets. given that the humans of the Alliance are probably related to the tribes that produced the Varangur, it would certainly make sense that they have a similar visual feel.