KoW in 2023


No ratkin slaves update in the new CoK? Interesting if they finally merge AD and ratkin slaves.


That would be cool! It didn’t make sense in the first place, that Abyssal Dwarfs, who run Ratkin Slaves couldn’t use great parts of their own units.
Fluss-wise that is, game-wise it might do.


Yeah. I just want to run my abyssal dwarves with orc AND ratkin slaves . And have the option for all the abyssal dwarf units including the hellfane

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Based on an FB comment, think it is more likely that there aren’t any specific changes to the 7(?) Ratkin Slave only units - and thus no actual need to have a section in the book which doesn’t change anything?


Which brings me to the most important question of all:
Do skeletons become a viable option for undead? Please Mantic!


I preordered the book. Still no info on army changes?:slightly_frowning_face:

Since it was announced yesterday and only went on pre-order today, give Mantic a little time before doing the sneak peaks and teaser videos :wink:


Guess they haven’t started writing the rules just yesterday😉
It’s an auto-buy anyway, but it would be nice to see Mantic pitching their games more. Tease a bit of info, give peaces of the rules to YouTubers or the Podcasters out there. Like they did when 3rd edition was about to drop. Put KoW in the spotlight!

well, we know some of the global changes coming from the TK rules in the companion, and some of the changes from NA that slipped thru

All of this will be happening, but not quite yet I’d imagine

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Mantic have just ended their coverage of the new Twilight Kin release, which is the main draw of the book, because the rules will be available online.

I am curious to see how many books they actually sell this year.

Considering that we’re discussing releases that will affect the game next year, I reckon it’s time for a new thread.

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