Nav's Goblin Armies - Goblinz Rool!

Your goblin army looks absolutely amazing. Have to had a chance to use it yet?

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Sadly no. I’ve only got to play with my Northern Alliance, but hopefully soon. I’ve been feild testing my 3 armies myself against each other in the meantime, and the Goblins are outright winners

Wow Nav!
Awesome conversion with the giant.

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That’s a shame. My wife enjoys making terrain and I’ve managed to rope her into a few battles. We’re both new to KOW, and she’s ultra competitive (!), so it actually makes for good games. But I’m looking forward to being able to mix with other people again and not just for KOW!

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Fleabag riders jumping a drystone wall


Just when I thought I had finished with the Fleabag riders I noticed that they have ears… so I highlighted the muzzle and ears and put a wash over the heads again


Many thanks Kraygor. Had i known i was going to get so many Goblins when i started this thread, i’d have done a seperate one for Orcs altogether. Therefore, i’ve removed most of the orcs from this thread

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That’s a nice chariot conversion

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Many thanks@HouseElf it’s been floating around for years in my bits box

I’ve had an idea about making up more chariots from scratch for a unit of them now that they are a core unit… And I have spare mawpups with my additional 80 goblinz

I gave the chariot more of a touch up to do it justice… and finished off the Rabble on my yellow brick road bases


Today’s project: a horde of Trolls to go with the regiment I already had.
I was goingto evict my orcs from the bridge, but the troll bases are only 40mm so 6 wouldnt be big enough for the width of the bridge.


i took a bit more time finishing my next horde of Sharpstick Goblins, although most of it will be lost in the dense woods. They are emerging with all the crisp discipline and precision you would expect from such a phalanx of fearsome troops !:yum:





Goblin Luggits Gang regiment . Fortunately, my limited unit of 12 Goblin Luggits fits nicely on a regiment base. The dry brushing of the rocks and green grass have given the base more of The Burren terrain effect I was aiming for. A wash of brown has added shade and given the steel a rusty burnished look. Finally, I added a white drybrush on the goblins to highlight the raised areas, of which there are plenty, and a touch up.


Very cool unit!

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Many thanks. They are very sweet models to work with, if a little challenging to decipher at times. There are lumpy bits on the back and chest that took a while to figure out what they were, some i’m only guessing at, even now, as Mantic give us little enough pics to work from, and usually only the front of a model, so we have to decipher what the designers meant. i am not sure i did the models justice, nor that the pics reflect what i see. i’ll try again over the weekend under sunlight, which might help

I reckon you got them right on, Nav.
Nice work.
Looking forward to those pics

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