I’ll try to post pictures of my nightstalker-army here as I finish more and more units and dioramas on the displayboard.
Cool use of ye olde monopose Orcs
Impressive integrated basing with that display board! Plus some great minis populating it (Blood-Maw is bae)
How did you do or where did you get those pumpkins?
I’ve been thinking that pumpkin patches would make great flat terrain to match my night-stalkers
They are Halloween table decorations from a store called Nille. Very cheap.
Nice Doppelgangers, love the mix of bits, including good use of those weird Elf half-masks (that make solid symbolic sense for mimics)
Thanks. Hopefully the same can be said of mouldlines …
They are … constantly being remolded? Maybe?
Absolutely love the basing – thematic and well done! I’m toying with how I want to portray my Nightstalkers as well, and it seems imitation may be the highest form of flattery. I’m thinking a fall / autumn leaf mix on the ground for my project. The cobblestone here is amazing, however. Cheers.
Thank you for the kind words. Just recently I came up with an idea for my horror. Behold! Horraldo the bard!
This guy will “sneak” up behind Ronaldo the bard on the displayboard
Lovely stuff - some great conversion/kit bashes
I finished the two regiments of scarecrows and with that the army is practically finished (just one horror to paint). Also, there are still a lot of work left on the displayboard itself.