Ronnie's Update 2022

Nice that they’re redoing old models, hopefully that continues.
Also nice that they’re continuing with adding in female models.


biggest change is that they are moving production to Poland, should be a big improvement on all sides (not only frame quality but delivery times and pre-production as well, and also be faster from concept to finished models)

have the box will be female, the shown frame is the male one


yeah that was a nice surprise with the shift to Poland. It looks like Archon Studios sprue design and their production is top notch.


I must say I’m pretty excited for the new game variants. Ambush looks like a great excuse for some new army projects without the 2000pt commitment. And Legendary is motivating me to paint yet more Dwarfs. Since 5000pts is clearly not enough. :wink:


With buttresses appearing on the list for castle upgrades for siege games, I bought these. I have ti file them a bit to better align them with the walls.



More changes to the core rules than expected. I was hoping to be able to skip this one.

I’m not that enthusiastic about buying a £25/£35 book every year (and adding to the stack of dead rulebooks). I know others won’t mind at all.

Edit: In hindsight I could have skipped the original KoW3 hardback, Halpi’s Rift & Clash 22. This book is probably one to pick up.


I think fundamentally a living game needs regular updates. I’m mostly happy with digital versions of books, so I can’t blame people that like hard copies for being annoyed.


Digital is the same but £5 cheaper, afaik. Maybe more expensive even, as online stores offer discounts on physical copies?

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So if I heard that correctly (in the latest countercharge) the Ambush rules limit army composition to one hero, monster/titan, warmachine each for 1000pts.

That throws my current mini project in a bit of a dissarray but nothing that couldn’t be fixed. (It will either be a 1000pts regular KOW force or just need an extra troop or two.)

Very interesting for gameplay however, as one hero only (again, if i heard that correctly) will limit inspiring sources and require some hard decisions on what hero is going to lead your force. If correct, i won’t be able to field a vampire and a necromancer at the same time in my mini Undead force for example. (Also … Jarvis is definitely out as a living legend as well as Madriga in my planned opposing 1000pts. Elf army. :open_mouth:)

Mhhh … decisions. :joy: :thinking:


It’s telling you for each faction which siege equipment they are allowed to take :slight_smile:

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Stimmt, very cool!

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AFAIK you can take up to three (hero/monster titan/war engine). So you could have three heroes if you like, but then, no monster/titan or war engine.

Other notable things: anything with the fly keyword is considered irregular,and must be unlocked. Troops and regiment each unlock one thing (an irregular troop/regiment, or a hero/monster/war engine).


Ohhh okay, that would make things easier. Right now I’m also curious if Werewolf regiments will unlock, as they don’t do that in regular KOW. (But it sounds like all regiments would unlock in Ambush sooo … I’m hoping. That would make it easy to reach 1000pts. for me)

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I mean, werewolves are not irregular, right?

There is no distinction per type of troop or regiment, so large infantry regiments unlock one thing like all other regular regiments (and troops) in ambush :slight_smile:


That’s what I’m thinking/hoping @Clem :slightly_smiling_face: … wish I had that book already to confirm it though!

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Hint: I have a reviewer’s book, and you’re safe :wink: wolves are still regular, and so a regiment of wolves in Ambush unlocks one thing.


Woohoo you re my Hero @Clem :+1::partying_face::laughing:

So i m actually not that far from a viable Ambush force. :wink:


Some Ogre chariot from the latest Mantic blog entry.


Sorry, an ogre chariot could look cooler than this. Weapon and face are pretty underwhelming. Not a fan of the one third head beasts. Gums/tongue & stripes are painted a bit weird for a studio model.