Super September- painting topic

Love the bow horde. The mass of such beautifully painted units is impressive in itself.

The hounds rock. Looking forward to doing a few myself in the future and this provides great inspiration.


Thanks both!

They are marvelous models and they are also incredible cheap! GBP 3,50 per pack, so a regiment is about 10-ish euro’s… I’ve got another 5 laying around and will order 5 more as soon as my painting table is empty again.

Cheers, the project is almost complete. I’ll be posting up some photos/videos of them once they are all done. All 140 Infantry, 100 Cavalry, and 10 Warmachines. Full model count really makes a force visually pop on the table.


Finished a horde of Earth Elementals for use in my Forces of Nature, among other things. I only got in a few KoW3 games before COVID-19, but when I did these guys were MVPs. Just a regiment alone was amazing at holding a flank against foes well above their points. So I got a couple more for a second regiment or a horde, and finally got around to painting them all.

Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures: Medium Earth Elementals

I wanted to try some new techniques, and stone is really easy to do, so great for practice. These all look very similar, but each was painted slightly differently - drybrushing, wet-on-wet, stippling & crosshatching, layering, glazing.

I also tried to push my zenithal shadows far more than I normally do. I’m normally a basecoat & wash kinda guy and don’t worry about OSL, but I figured these were just about the easiest models in the world to practice zenithal.

My breakthrough was when I took a 360 degree set of pictures under a bright lamp, and then edited them to dramatically exaggerate the highlights and lowlights. This basically turned shading and lighting into a paint-by-numbers job. Overall, I’m pretty happy with them.

A few more thoughts and tips on these on my rarely updated blog, General Sloth.


Oh, and a new fire elemental. Intended more for Vanguard than KoW but we’ll see.

I did the one on the left (Reaper metal, SKU 02779) and my buddy Matt P did the one on the right.

Now, I’ve painted this @*#&^! Reaper elemental multiple times and have never been happy with it. I tried yet again this weekend.

The biggest challenge is unlike the Mantic model with long flowing tendrils of flame, the Reaper Fire Elemental is absolutely covered in dozens and dozens of tiny little individual flames. In previous versions I tried to do blending and gradations on a per-flame basis, but from 3’ away it just looked like a pointillist mess.

Pointillism |

I think that’s a fundamental challenge with mini painting: What looks good from 4 inches away doesn’t necessarily look good from 4 feet away, and vice-versa.

For this overhaul, I wanted to treat the whole elemental as one big flame and keep the gradations on any one flame pretty subtle. The face got lost, however, so I went back and redid the face as its own flame, which really makes it pop. I’m pretty happy with it.

.General Sloth

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I finally decided what colors my Basileans were going to march with.

To be fair i did go for the LOTRO Gondorian style for the Men at Arms


@generalsloth - nice idea with the pic to get the osl style

@Dubren - those are looking sweet. You’ve even made the M@A look good (as even the new ones are models I don’t particularly like)

Nothing painted in June yet, but I’ve built some draugr and need to come up with a quick & simply colour scheme for them

Hi everyone,

I’ve just joined this forum and I’d just like to start by saying there is some amazing stuff on here! Top work guys, keep it coming! I also think this topic is a great idea, we hoomans need to stick together and support each other through these crazy times.

I thought I would share a bit of WIP for my Undead army that I’ve been working on. I’ve nearly finished batch painting 120 skeletons (Warlords of Erehwon), just on to (separately) painting all the weapons.

Here are 5 skeletons with spears, just after the weapons and shields got their 1st wash. These are a bit of a test to check the paint scheme. Please excuse any stray mold lines :slight_smile:

I’ll be starting a project log for both my Undead and Kingdoms of Men armies soon, if anyone is interested.

Thanks for looking!



I built 100 of those last year. Brilliant miniatures to pose and paint.

Your work looks fantastic.

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Cheers Niall, much appreciated. They were a challenge to build but totally worth it.

Once you learn not to cut the feet into separate parts before they are glued to the legs you are laughing.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The reward for the slightly finicky build is in my opinion some of the best skeletons on the market.

More elementals! I ran a horde of (unpainted) air elementals a couples times in KoW 3e. They were only OK. Without the Brew of Strength they just weren’t much of a threat. And they really want to be in the flank or rear for Surge shenanigans, but it’s a very steep investment to keep a Surge source nearby just for this unit. So I dunno how much these will see play. If anyone else has had good experiences with them I’d love to hear it!

These are Deep Cuts Air Elementals and come as translucent plastic which, on paper, is a cool idea for something made of air, but on the table they just look like hunks of… translucent plastic.

So I was thinking of ways to give them more color and texture and variation and came up with “swirling dust and leaves and debris”.

I think they came out OK! Not quite what I was going for, but I’ve got three more to go, hopefully I can get it dialed in.

I think I need to transition from the dust to air a little more smoothly. So I think highlighting edges more down the body, while blending thin dust up higher on the body and maybe a few more leaves? A friend recommended Tamiya X19 Smoke, too.

I was also thinking about adding a few strands of something like a… clear poly fiber? around the body and attaching leaves to it to give more motion and volume, but I’m not sure what material would work.

Tips appreciated!


They came out quite nice! I think your friend’s tip to use pigments is a good idea. I use them a lot for weathering effects and they are simple but effective. Should do the trick.

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Had a bit of a break from building Varangur to paint a couple of forest shambler units.


Forest warden to go with the above


Skellie Warband grew little …

Work still keeps me from really hunkering down at the painting table, so some quick skellies inbetween it was :slightly_smiling_face:


Finished this regiment of shield wall.


Basilean palace guard:

and Ur-elohim

More pictures here:


Few more tree things!


Some technically ‘not tree’ things :wink:

Couple of units of my take on boskwraiths