Super September- painting topic

That are very bushy not-trees, mate! But still, well done!

I Really like the elevation on the multibases, gives it so much more dynamic posts.

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Finally got my Slasher / Wyvern done…

Many things didn’t really turn out quite the way I wanted here, but it had already had one complete change of direction in colour etc. so I decided to leave it like this for a while, it might grow on me! :sweat_smile:

My first time painting something this big I think actually! (not counting some 40k tanks nearly 30 years ago anyway :stuck_out_tongue: )


Yeah the base size is “wrong”, it’s so I can use it in other games too (I know it doesn’t really fit, but eh, I like the model and I potentially want to use it! :smiley: ), it’ll get fixed via magnets to a 75x77mm base for KoW. It still doesn’t really fit on a 75mm base that well tbh either, so being able to move the model around on a wider magnetic base should actually be useful I reckon when it comes into contact with pesky enemy models & terrain etc!

Oh the rider is magnetised on too, he can be removed :slight_smile:


Some great stuff getting posted up last few weeks.

I’m plowing through my goblins but nothing finished to show.

Here’s some work in progress:

Last of the goblin spear is undercoated and on the way to adding five war machines.

Will be glad to finish goblin rank and file for a while after this lot.


Looking good @Niall78 !
I actually miss painting rank and file, I will be back to more of that soon I think :slight_smile:

I like that idea for painting shields on the sticks, I’ve always struggled with the best way to do that…!

My head was melted with shields before the sticks.

With sticks painting is easy and it only takes a few seconds to glue each one just before hitting them with the final protection coats of varnish.

I recommend giving it a go.

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Yeah I’ve only ever done it like this before with poster-taccing them down to some card, but the sticks should be similar, but work much better really! With this big unit I painted the Shields first too, just to get it out the way:


First of the actual ‘elves’ in the army - probably use as El’Rik


Very nice.

What products are used in the base? They look great.

Cheers. War painter Scenics tufts (bushy green), railway modeling flock and painted poundland filler!


Will check out that line of Tufts.

Some knights finished


Those are gorgeous, are they Oathmark Elves with old Bretonnian 5th edition horse and rider legs?

Not sure I’ll get this lot finished by the end of June. More Light Cavalry, and a Wizard for my Mongolian project.


Fireforge Sergeant at Arms horses & rider bodies (heads & arms are Oathmark).

Love your cavalry

I started these miniatures waaaaay back in 1996, with the 5th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles starter. But I only did a basic paint job, and then I sort of fell out of the wargaming & painting hobby other than the occasional RPG miniature. I finally got back into it in a big way around 2015 with KoW 2e.

The model on the right is more-or-less my original paint job.

The model on the left (with the broken bow - I like to use damaged models as test pieces) is what happens with an extra hour of highlighting and shading, and a lot more practice than 1996 me.

I didn’t actually notice much difference until I put them side-by-side! I have like 40 of these @*$!#, so I dunno if I’ll commit to doing this for all of them. Nothing mind-blowing but it’s nice to see what the extra effort yields.


Still not much time to paint … but finished this guy :grin:


Made some time to paint this week, chose some Brotherhood.
Exemplar of the Brotherhood and Brotherhood on foot

Both models are from Norbaminiatures, I had bought from this company before several years back.
The results back then were not that great, they used fragile white plastic, the casting was hit and miss and air bubbles were a serious issue.
I bought these fine gents (still have nine to paint) to see how they improved after I heard they rework everything last year.
Quality has massively improved, proper gray plastic, no air bubbles on the models (or at least my batch for as far as i know).
Still a few small hiccups , feet need to be slightly cut to fit on the base, some plastic on the bottom that doesn’t belong but both are easily fixed and absolutely no deal breaker.
Currently most of the models are on foot but on the 5th of September they will do a kickstarter for a lot of cavalry models and have shown several renders of what they plan on making on their facebook.


The difference is huge isn’t it. I bought a snotling pump wagon off eBay and just adding a agrax earthshade wash to it made it look a hundred times better. It’s a amazing what a wash and some highlights can achieve

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Nice highlighting on the cloth!

May I introduce a distant relative of Frodo Baggins … a certain Vlad Baggins …

Couldn’t resist painting that model up for my Undead Warband … and gave him some bats as support as well. :grin:

As I first saw the model it looked like pure comic relief … but now that he’s painted he actually looks quite menacing with the fangs …


@Dubren - loving the knights. Had heard some not great things about the range, but those look nice with a quality paint job.