Third edition Rumours part 2

Shocking self promotion, but I’ve written a quick write up of my initial thoughts and feelings of V3 from my time playtesting as well as what I think will stand out to you guys in your first few games.…/696


Don’t have my book yet, hopefully next week. I’m looking forward to various players going through the armies and looking at change from 2nd to 3rd. Various buffs, nerfs, new rules & units. Should be interesting .

To anyone with the new book- we have heard a lot about spears. Are PIKES in the new book? Could you tell us about them.


Would love to see a change log for each faction.


It arrived! It really is a hefty tome! The objectives are the ones from Vanguard (well, some of them). The acrylic tokens look realy nice!


having read some of the army lists im very surprised of the new mechanics of picking an army. For example: In the Forces of Abyssals army there are only 5! Units which are opening slots for heroes and monsters, an 4 of them are Infanterie, the last one ist Kav unit. Please, what’s up here, it’s a completely new army composition. I’m really upset because I can start building a whole new army, and I’m really angry about this change. In the past I had loved building completely different army’s, now I’m sure most abyssal army’s will have the same core units (who can remember Warhammer 7? Edition with 25%in core units, where really every army had the same core unit choices…)
Maybe someone of the rules comitee can give a short hint why this change was necessary. I’ve checked also other army’s, there is also only a few units making room for heroes and monsters.

What’s changed, is it no longer Regiments and Hordes unlock Troops/Heroes/Monsters/Warmachines?

Haven’t ordered the book as I’m waiting for the Gamers edition.

The changes to unlocking (large/monstrous infantry/cav) and move of many things to irregular is 100% the most distressing thing in 3E. I think it was done to curtail spam lists, but I agree with you that it’s potentially limited a lot of the cool thematic army building I love about KOW. Also I think all my armies are invalid now :sweat_smile:

Looking forward to getting my book and seeing how borked my main book armies are, AOP will tell me about my other ones :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Infanterie Regiment and hordes is staying the same. Nearly all shooting Infanterie is irregulär. Monstrous Infanterie unlocks only troops. Regiments of large Inf and large Kav unlocks nothing, only hordes.

Seema like a small change, but one that is going to alter things.

Hopefully my forces are still legal.

It was probably done to make the game what the designers really wanted it to be - rank & file rather than just odd units and monsters/heroes.


I’m cool with the bulk of most armies being bricks of infantry supported by a few monsters, heroes and specialty units compared to the reverse which is what 2nd edition often ended up being.

Though it looks like I missed my chance to do an all angel Army in Basileans. Oh well.


I think this is the case with most of my armies too. Except for my KoM (and sometimes undead) I did ‘max out’ heroes/monsters/war machines. Oh well, this means I need to rebuild those armies from the bottom up.

Ok, looks like I may be doing a Mantic Salamanders army in 2020.

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Abyssal Dwarfs with Greatweapons … and Hellfane. The video makes me looking forward in 2020. :blush:

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Just a check: is it true PMC has been raised from ~70% to ~75%?

That MMC has been lost, I understand (and fully agree)

I haven’t done the math on every instance but that’s what the new chart seems to show. And yes, MMC is gone.

Weird realization, does PMC still stand for Preferred Model Count? If there’s no MMC any longer, doesn’t having an actual model count and a preferred one suggest that Mantic would prefer us to use fewer than the AMC? As we have no other number for PMC to modify :thinking:

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