Third edition Rumours

I thought Tuesdays and Thursdays

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Yeah, Im not sure- I was asking if anyone knew definitely.

Seriously dude! I’ve been waiting to see what ice elementals do in KOW and was pretty stunned - I’ve got an entire army of fire elementals, whose schtick is friends with breath attaks, and now I’m here wondering if I’m really about to build an ice army to do the same thing, except better :expressionless: (I actually didn’t consider that other elementals might be buffed, I just assumed ice were the, uh, new hotness.)


I hope it’s all Elementals, I really do. From what I have seen though, the Northern Alliance stuff is sporting really good stats. Hopefully they are just advertising with the more bonkers stuff.

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Woohoo!! Dwarfs look great - Brocks are still good but not overwhelming, Steel Behemoths got some good changes, Cannons are worth taking again, and it sounds like the King on a Large Beast gained Nimble!

Also, did I miss something, or did he say that Earth Elementals are gaining Brutal in addition to CS(1)? Was that in a different preview, or on one of the FFS podcasts?

All in all, totally made my week!

Hm, berserkers are irregurlar now? That is not a good news for my all slayer army…

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Yeah it looks like Berserker foot is. It shouldn’t be, Orc Mor Ax is not irregular. To make a Slayer army you will have to take units of Brocks.

They will probably be regular in Free Dwarfs.


Annnnd that’s a buff to Earth, I’m real interested to see what happens to Fire! After two years of running them, I really soured on Me 4+ most of all. Wonder if they’ll get something to hit better, or some kind of survival tech, or more speed?? I guess they could get fireball (x) - I would have said breath (x) but ice got that.

Also hope they save TR for next week, as I’m playing my brand new TR army in a tournament this weekend and would rather not be trying to learn the army with full knowledge that my Heartpiercers are getting Steady Aim or my Wyrmriders are getting a CS buff or my Envoy can’t take Aura of Heroism any more in a few weeks.

so far we’ve had previews for;
Empire of Dust
Northern Alliance

i wonder what will be next.

He said he was deciding between Forces of Nature and Trident Realms.

The next thing I am interested in is Abyssal Dwarfs. A very cool army.
Im also a fan of Kingdoms of Men and Brotherhood but that’s the next book.

hopefully once the main rulebook drops they’ll switch to doing previews of the Armies of Pannithor book.

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Honestly…not thrilled with the Dwarf preview. No one will take Berserkers Infantry over Brocks. For a few points you get more move attacks nerve and its not irregular.
The Brocks got a bit of a nerf. Its the only fast unit though, so it will still be taken.
Bullwarkers are worse. Dont tell me phalanx is better- its better for everyone.
Dwarfs have a big penalty in speed, they need something to make up for it. 1 or 2 points of nerve wont be a help when you suffer a flank/ rear attack.
I still have a glimmer of hope for when I can see the full list but im not jumping for joy with this preview.

Yeah, we’ll see what players do with these. That Grapeshot has me scratching my head a bit. I get what they were going for but in most cases (not all, Mr Stealthy bugger) the regular cannon round is still probably better. Hitting on 4+ at close range would have made more sense instead of 6+.

Looking forward to COK2020: Hindsight Edition.


Yeah, grapeshot is nothing to be excited about. I’m still hopeful for the book. But I don’t see things changing much for Dwarfs. If you want speed, you need Brocks. That’s it.

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Hopefully Dwarfs get some other viable options. They were boring to play against in 2nd because it was just variations of the same list.

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I think so too. Perhaps there would be different types of Berserkers in Free Dwarfs.

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does anyone know what is pot shot rule?

POT SHOT: If given any order other than halt, RA are -2 instead of the -1 for moving.