Wrath of Kings Hadross stuff was finally too cheap for me to resist, so I’m getting into trident realms! I’d like to chat a bit about the unit options to help plan my hobby strategy.
Naiad Ensnarers: these, I like. Regen 4+, ensnare, and pathfinder are the dream to clog up a big section of board, and maneuvering to limit their exposure to damage is an interesting puzzle. Probably brew of strength or hammer of measured force to make them a bit more threatening.
Any good in the regiment? Regen really thrives when the unit can soak up some damage, so that 13/15 makes me nervous.
Thuul: quick, high attack density, take a bit of effort to remove. Seem to compete most directly with depth horrors, not really sure when you’d prefer one over the other.
Placoderms: obviously very tough, but I’m not sure I get them. I wonder if the regiment to plug smaller holes is a good pick?
Nokken: breath attack on a unit, that’s fairly novel. I suppose they threaten individuals fairly well? I have trouble imagining them surviving when played forward, would like to hear more.
Naiad Heartpiercers: nice ranged attacks, good at attrition. Is the jar of four winds too expensive for 12 attacks? I fear it is.
Riverguard: interesting skirmishers. Very hard to appraise that speed 6 fly without getting it on the table, I’m thinking it’s quite hard to hop behind enemy lines.
Water Elementals: great if you want to pay the surge tax. I don’t really intend to, though it’s nice to have the option in-faction.
Depth Horrors: quick, hitty, squishy… reliable? See above about competing with Thuul.
Gigas: very cool, very extreme. The formation is a pretty big deal. They open cans in a serious way, but will attract every enemy can opener.
Tidal Swarm: looks to me like some of the best chaff in the game. Nimble, fearless, cheapish.
Naiad Wyrmriders: expensive, heavy ish cav. Pretty good strikers with an oppressive threat range, but big footprint and low durability hold them back.
Leviathan’s Bane: I don’t care for 5+ artillery, but these at least have two shots. Don’t expect to ever field them.
Greater Water Elemental: see above for their lesser kin.
Kraken: very compelling monster. Pretty dangerous, pretty tough, and that lovely regen. Pricey, but should perform in a wide variety of situations.
Knucker: another compelling option, anything nimble and speed 9 on a 50x50 is going to be a real headache for the opponent. Stealthy is a real treat.
Coral Giant: fairly similar to the kraken. Basically worse, but cheaper - a solid anchor point that can put out some damage, take effort to shift, and fit in tight spaces. I like it.
Naiad Centurion: that’s a lot of points for 4 attacks. Pass.
Naiad Envoy: woah, the cheap inspiring option gets to take spells?? What a great little support piece, opens up all kinds of builds.
Riverguard Captain: yeah I don’t see it.
Thuul Mythican: can’t have ALL the spells on the Envoy, fair enough. Stealthy on an individual is sure nice, and so is 5 attacks on a wizard? Impressed by this entry.
Placoderm Defender: maybe give it wings and send it off to be a nuisance with def 6? Low nerve, but might be good if it gets to pick its battles.
Depth Horror Eternal: bad knucker, which might still be good enough sometimes.
Wyrmrider Centurion: I don’t really see a place for the centurion on foot, but this has enough going on that it might find a role. Whole lot of stats for 40pts, anyway.
Siren: wow do I ever want to get this on the table. Probably harder to make good use of than I’m imagining, but disordered on a stick is very strong. Probably combine with an envoy with teleport.
Trident King: above all, looks like a lot of fun. Quick, nimble, piercing breath attack, if it can find a crack in the enemy’s line it’s going to be able to do a lot of damage.
Eckter: weird combination of rules. Soaks a charge… pretty well, hits pretty solidly, and has the nice wind blast utility. Not sure when I’d use him, but certainly has some stuff going for him.
Nak-ushi Wyrmrider Commander: 50pts for a point of nerve, heal(5), and nimble? No, I don’t think so.
So, how’d I do? I’ve got naiads, thuul, depth horrors, gigas, some monsters, and some characters on the way, but that leaves me hundreds of points to get to 2250. What are your favourite units?