Trident Realms: let's talk about units

For nets if you have a table tennis net cut up it works. It is stiff enough to hold shape and durable.

Some of the GW goblin models have nets.

A horde of gigas!

They’re a little taller than I’d like, but hermit crabs are still crabs!


Those Hadross hermits are pretty solid for Gigas, and seem to be the most typical Gigs seeing the table. They definitely aren’t height 1, but then the Mantic ones look closer to 2 than 1 to me as well - I don’t actually think I’ve seen Gigas that use height 1 minis, which bugs me. For my Scuttlin’ Realm, I wanted Gigas that were actually the same height as my Heartpiercers:

Gigs are the especially crabby bois on the right. Original plan was to stuff 9 on those bases, except after putting 6 on there it looked real crowded with more. Props on you for going with 6 Hadross hermits, I virtually always see 4 per horde.


the only thing i dislike there is how regular the placement is… since the models aren’t going for some form of shield wall or similar tactic, they probably should be spread out a little more irregularly.

Crabs have exceptional marching discipline. :wink:

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Dang, scuttlin’ realms indeed! What’s the big fella from? Are there arms yet to go on, or is it a funny angle?

Yeah I’m a big advocate for maximizing model count wherever possible. I think the infantry are posed a little too dynamically to hit full model count, but 40mm gives a decent amount of space to work with. It helps that I got them on a crazy clearance sale. I’m going to play with making my basing a couple mm taller for my depth horrors and monsters, see if I can help make heights a little more intuitive.

the only thing i dislike there is how regular the placement is… since the models aren’t going for some form of shield wall or similar tactic, they probably should be spread out a little more irregularly.

I think we basically just disagree on style here. In a rank & flank, I feel like most units should be pretty uniform and in formation rather than a fighting mob. Does look a little funny in a 3x2, I’ll grant.

Mega crab is indeed missing his claws (and lil’ torso arms), and he’s one of three Scuttling Nucranca from Mierce. I actually bought two sets of 3 to use as Wyrmriders … but they’re very large and fit perfectly on 75mm squares, so triple Kraken it is :octopus: All told I’m really happy with the heights of the army, really easy to see what’s bigger than what. Helps that 1 is tiny and 4 is HUGE (tho when Kraken are 5 in 3E I suppose it’ll work all the better).

I’m happy with their roughly regular placement, and their arms mean they’d be poking each other / straddling each other if they were closer in most cases. Was the problem I had with 9, it was like 3 conga lines of 3 crabs.

EDIT: Wait, maybe they were talking about the hermit crabs? Comment still stands re: getting in each other’s way!

Probably my favorite Gigas, and IMO also the tallest and hence kind of worst game-wise, that I’ve seen are packed bases of Armored Whelks from The Other Side. Visible Riley over in Seattle has a couple hordes of them and they’re super mean looking. But again, much more like Siege Breakers than Gigas.

Haha yeah that’s awesome. Wouldn’t expect them to be so big from the picture, I can see how you were surprised!

I do quite like the looks of the Armored Whelks, I was kinda hoping that game would crash and burn hard enough that there would be clearance sales, but nothing yet. I also didn’t realize they were tall, and that would bug me so I guess bullet dodged!

Looks amazing

really shaping up very nicely.
The big Mierce crab is really great, although a squidy kraken would have been very funny in this list - the big beasty driving all the crabbies forward! All the crabbies rather fight the enemy instead of facing the big mean octopus!
Gives dread, but to your own units! Hehe

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I’ve actually tried hard to not go the tentacle route, since a lot of TR stuff I see is tentacled (and my own stuff tends to be pretty tentacley too :stuck_out_tongue:). My Coral Giant will have his share of tentacles tho …

Monstrous Infantry, notably distinct from Large Infantry! Gigas move to 50mm bases? In that case, since there’s no formation pushing me to take two hordes, I think I just might have to reconsider my model choice…

Dear Trident Realm players,

One of you with access to a 3D printer, please make a Troop or Regiment of Dr Zoidbergs. Also, please make the “Woob Woob Woob” sounds when you move it around the table.





So that means I have to rebase my Gigas as well. Sweet hell, why Mantic??? Infantry height but giant base??? (Pretty sure it’s because of Nimble, or maybe the huge Mantic minis)

Found these 3 on Thingiverse

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Since the wrath of kings crab monsters I’ve been using as coral giants really are much too small for that job AND I’ll be able to fit six of them on a 150x100, I found something else to use as coral giants:

And a knucker I’m pretty happy with:


Nice! Where’s the big crab boi from? Or is it 3D printed?

Yeah, both 3d printed. The sea serpent I found on thingiverse, the big crab I liked enough to buy:!/Krusscanta/p/143357744/category=33793555
It does a much better job of being giant than my previous choice, and I can just scale it up if they go to 75mm in 3e!


Well they are a lot better, the formation boost incorporated into the rules and by no means a bad unit?

That’s true, big shield, crushing 2, and nimble makes for a REALLY dangerous unit, I just only have six of the minis and it would be a bit too expensive to make it a dozen.