VigoTheButch and Undead Friends

Very nice. How are you painting the rust?

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Base in a dark metal, rough highlights with a mid tone metal. Then I take a junky brush and stipple a bunch of rust colors. Purple-brown, brown, red-brown, green-brown, orange, and yellow.
I wanted a bit of metal poking through like these aren’t ancient skeletons. The Necromancer refilled his ranks a few weeks ago kind of thing.


I may spray these with a bit of blue shade to cool them down a tad. They seem warm compared to the rest of the list.

They look great. Really nice work.

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Tried Painting the eyes the same greenish color as other units but it was lost because of how loud those shields are. Went with a subtle red and I am happy with that choice.

Now on to the second half of the skeletons!


Clipped the bases off the first group of skeletons and did some gap filling on the movement trays.

For the new batch, got the bones and the shields (they have liquid mask on them) done. My eyes are tired so I stopped base coating the clothes. Will pick up again tomorrow after a good sleep.

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Stopping work to go have dinner with friends, but I managed to get through the clothes and metals. Hopefully, I will be back in time to keep trucking tonight.

Got the rust and the footwear done. These should be finished tomorrow, hopefully.

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You are a machine lol. Love the progress

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Thanks! Today I broke my streak, some other tasks prevented me from picking up my paintbrush at all. That’s ok, I will be back in action tomorrow. The painting phase is nearing completion and the basing work will begin soon.

I also looked at the rules packet for my tournament and I will need to make a display board if I don’t want to leave paint score points on the table. So that needs to happen as well. LoL

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Impressive batch painting! Final skellies have a lot of character, having eyes and eeeevil brow ridges helps :sweat_smile: Dig the aged armor + high pop shields.

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Thanks! The shields are a bit louder than I would normally go but I have super saturated greens throughout the army and they needed to tie in with everything else. I may change the banner colors over to match the shields as that is the only instance of that particular green color.

I have tonight and a little bit of time tomorrow to paint but then I will be out of town until Sunday night. Then I am up against the final week. I should be ok on time but this could easily end up as a situation where I am playing with miniatures that still have the odor of clear coat on them, LoL.

So it finally happened. I stalled out on my painting momentum. In hindsight, yesterday’s break was more costly than I thought. So tonight, I painted the sticks/handles and the straps. I was mentally tired of batch painting and was lacking good brush control which caused myself additional work in the upcoming touch up phase.

Realizing that I wasn’t making good progress, I put the brush down and went to work on a totally different task: the display board. Shown with a Ghoul horde for scale.

Rejuvenated, I got the layout cut and glued down. Tomorrow I will probably spend my time filling it with spackle and sculptamold so it has plenty of time to dry while I am away. When I return, I have my work cut out for me given the ever shrinking timeline.


Limited time to work tonight because of some other things going on but I accomplished my goal of getting the plaster, spackle, and sculptamold laid down. Also put a coat of Modge Podge, grit, and scenic glue down. This should be rock hard when I return from my trip on Sunday evening.

Hopefully I have enough time on Sunday touch up the Modge Podge so I can black bomb it Monday.


Got the rest of the sealer on the display base tonight, made it home too late last night to mess with it, so tomorrow is the rattle can step.

And I fixed my sloppy errors on the skeletons. I have to remember that it’s faster to just get it right in the first pass. So these guys are approaching completion.

Only five days left before the tournament, so this is going to be a close one.


Did a few minor details here and there across the army and got the leaf litter glued down. Also finished the last of the skeletons. So 82 skeletons in total.

With the sealer dry, I did my value Painting on the display base.

I still have to sculpt and paint some saddle details, make a banner, paint the trees for the bases, and paint the display board. After that, it’s just water effects and finishing the details on the multibases! Details like attaching the actual miniatures…


Bravo dude, that’s a lot of skeletons!

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Thanks! It will be nice to finish this grind of a project, LoL.

Did a lot of transition work tonight as I move out of the painting phase. Everyone has their bases clipped off, behold the bone pile:

And am prepping the multibases for tomorrow’s tasks:


So grinding, pinning, touching up, gluing, and positioning 81 skeletons took longer than I expected. But I got through the three hordes.

Tomorrow is going to have to be very productive. I have to get the water effects down with enough time to cure.