What would you like Mantic to make?

Even just some alternative arms would help



Yeah. This would be nice as well. I wrote up a campaign rule-set for KoW using GWs Mighty Empire game a few years ago. Would have been fun to test it on Mantic’s own tile map.


I love the terrain crates, and agree Mantic could benefit from a “Battlefield in a Box” approach. But the generic terrain market is pretty saturated. All those things already exist and are easy to get, Mantic would just be saving you a couple dozen clicks.

I would suggest that Mantic’s Instant Battlefields should be:

  • Themed around a very evocative place and time that builds their IP.
  • Comes with a PDF custom scenario that tells a story.
  • Made by a 3rd-party under license.

I would not buy a generic Mantic battlefield terrain bundle or, if I did, I would only ever buy one. I don’t see this helping their bottom line.

Now, if some 3d-printed terrain company came out with an officially licensed complete terrain set called “The Valley of Torment” with hellscape terrain that looked like this [EDIT: fixed link], and two scenarios (“The Last Charge of Ashen Order” for KoW, and “The Abyssal Hunt” for Vanguard), with maybe a short story from one of the Tales of Mantica authors, I’d drop some hefty cash for that.

And when they did it again 3 months later with “The Corruption of Maelthur Glade”, a forest set that shows the spreading horror of the nightstalkers’ influence through sacred elven forests, I would curse Mantic, and then buy that, too.


I would love to see more tiny scale Mantic games, and agree that Mantic did a great job of finding a niche market with Armada that was a surprise success.

I love, love, love 6mm and 10mm scale and would be stoked to have something like this.

That said, I think a micro-scale game would need to be a distinctive thing. Each “tier” of a Mantic game should have a very different feel and say something about their worlds at different scales, instead of the same basic thing but with smaller minis. A 10mm or 6mm game should probably be a strategic game very different from KoW or Warpath.

Maybe even as a *gasp!*horror! boardgame. Armada basically requires a handful of models and some blue cloth for terrain, making it very easy to leap into. A more traditional 6/10mm wargame would require players to not only paint up entire armies, but also completely reinvest in a new terrain scale, battle mats, etc. A big ask.


With regards to terrain/scenery some of mantic’s stuff is very nice and the larger sets are pretty decent value. Bought the Ruined Village one which is doing two armies worth of basing, and picked up the gallows which a nice kit. 3 been ts of fencing for 7.99 on the other hand doesn’t really cut it.

An expansion of the mine one would be good, while doing separate tiles/customisable dungeon flooring could work

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Hell Yes!

I used to run campaigns using that playing the battles out using modified WFB.

Aralez honor guard models for LoR, the concept art in the unchartered book look awesome. I would even be ok with just mounts and getting rider models from else where.


I’d like to see Rhordia become Mantic’s 3rd human faction - miniatures, main rulebook, parent list for other city-states.

You might be in luck, at least as far as the halflings of Rhordia are concerned! Upcoming models and KoW support was teased at Mantic-Fest.

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Unfortunately, Halflings are about the last army I’d pick up.

For me humans fill the role of the underdog in fantasy, standing against monstrous foes. I can’t imagine, with all the other fantasy options, choosing to pick up an army entirely composed of short, overweight, middle-aged men and if I did it would be Dwarves.

I will be fielding a LoR army with halfling allies and use my Base army points for the stuff still in the league and allies points for the more interesting halfling stuff that got ripped out of my list. Iron beast spearlings (that I just ordered a horde of before the book came out). Westfalia miniatures from their 2nd and 3rd breakfast kickstarters which look a little more professional army and a little less fat GW halflings.

I think a halfling only army will most likely play somewhat like a worse goblin army that you feel bad about using to drown the enemy in bodies.

All of this is of course if I can find a gaming group now that I moved.

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I agree with you on the army composition and the aesthetics!

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This but Mantic. I reckon they could do a better job now and it would help get people into the hobby. The rest of us might end up with some extra scenery and mono-block rank & file.


Looks cool, I’d prefer some sort of hex based campaign pack similar to what the other company did ages back but with a mantic twist? Affordable and good so people can make custom campaigns and either play with tokens like a board game or use KoW or vanguard to represent the battles.

Posted the original one a few replies above.

Other than for Mantic’s resources, these wouldn’t be in competition with each other as they are totally different beasts (well apart from the hexagons).

the problem with that is the cost if the hexes are in plastic you can pretty much say goodbye to at least one of the fantasy hard plastics one year and if it’s cardstock it becomes much more expensive long term for them in manufacture and shipping, and subsequent taxes.

It would be nice to see it but I can’t envision it any time soon

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People can get hex paper and draw their own maps - and there were campaign rules in Destiny of KIngs which maybe could be updated and rereleased without much hassle?
As you say, plastic hex tiles would not be worthwhile doing for Mantic.

true but the rules in DoK were incredibly simple no geographical features or terrain elements beyond a city and 4 pages long if you take out the pictures.
I’m not saying they shouldn’t do it I love Blucher for the Sharnhorst campaign system which is also simplistic but much more indepth.
I just think the people above want something more substantial than a quick reference sheet.

What I do think could work is down the line do a supplement that combines campaigns and siege rules neither are strong enough to warrant a full book on their own but combining those and linking them to Vanguard and KoW to make a comprehensive exploration of them on a grand scale.

Ah, Battlemaster. I still look back at that game fondly, wish I had of kept it.

Got to agree a Mantic version of this would be a great gate way game into the hobby.

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