Edzig's Forces of Nature / Sylvan Kin

No to rebasing! My Kraken has been on 3 different base sizes (50X50, 50X100 and 75X75). Never again!


But you don’t need to rebase Ed… Just use the massive tree you used for. dark lord Dan!


Oh yes. Durr!

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For Clash of Kings I’ve painted up the Mantic Avatar of the Green Lady. I didn’t actually need to, to meet the at least 90% Mantic models requirement, but I did it anyway.

Like a lot of older Mantic models, this one seems much nicer when you’re working on it that it looks on the website photos. I have to say that I still prefer my GW Wood Elf character, but she is a really fantastic model!

Sorry about the quality of the pictures.


The trees visit the Avatar of the Green Lady and explain that after constant campaigning for over a year they need to return to the heart of the forest to replenish their sap from the deep wildwood well.


Next come the Beasts of Nature, the Green Lady’s

beloved Owlbears. Heeding the call of migration, they are heading South to the Moonlit Glades beyond Vieshlar for the winter.


The forest is never safe from invaders, so the Green Lady calls her messengers - Peggy and Suzy - to summon the Druids and the roving Hunters of the Wild, who winter in the forests, taking no more than they need to survive.


She does not wait for their arrival, but begins a mighty summoning, calling the Elementals to her aid. First to come are the Air Elementals, swifter than the wind…


Roaring after them come the Fire Elementals, harbingers of destruction and renewal.


Then, the ground shaking at their tread, the lumbering Earth Elementals, mightiest of them all.


By the turning of the year, the army was assembled, ready once more to defend the forest from attack.


So this is my new Forces of Nature army. It’s been a productive break. Covid and post-op recuperation keeping me home the whole time. I still have a few Druids and some Hunters of the Wild to paint (yup, I’m doing the infantry last as usual!). The only unit in common with the Tree list I’ve been running is the Avatar of the Green Lady.

Happy New Year!


Great collection of elementals, but shoutout to the airementals in particular. Nice effective paint on Mantic’s solid sculpts - there aren’t many air elementals on the market, especially not in unit bulk, and there are even fewer shots of Mantic’s painted up :wink: Are they greenish on the bottom, or is that color bleeding from the background / basing? I dig the tone if they are, as they pick up turf and so on.

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The green is really there. The penultimate (before final light dusting of white) dry brush is with Vallejo Livery Green. That’s a bit of a theme colour for the army, it’s on the Forest Shamblers too, for example. I felt they needed something more than just shades of grey and white. That’s also why I stuck a few leaves onto them, sucked up by the vortex.


After a long hobby slump, I’ve started painting again, boosted by the arrival of a set of Army Painter Speed Paints and a tourney next weekend that I need to finish some units for. Here’s a horde of Fire Elementals and a regiment of Scorchwings.

I am liking the Speed Paints, but reactivation is definitely something to watch out for. Even after 24 hours drying time, red showed through the white of the smoke at the bottom of the Fire Elementals.


A few more additions to the “ELementals and friends army”: a couple of heroes to help the Avatar of the Green Lady lead them, startinv with a Glade Walker Druid.


And the Centaur Chief who thinks he’s a Unicorn.


Two troops of Hunters of the Wild round out the army for todays Clash of Kings Welsh Qualifier in Cardiff.


Great looking army, where in Cardiff are they having the tournament? I asked in Firestorm games and they said they don’t do KoW anymore and they don’t know anywhere around Cardiff that does.

Edit: it was about 2 months ago when i asked them so it may have been too soon for them to know for sure if the event was taking place, or they could have been new staff, no harm done anyway they were good guys.

Yeah, it was Firestorm

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