Super September- painting topic

This month I painted old Thorgrim as a King on Large Beast. He will be the perfect leader for my dwarfs when they finally enter the kow universe.


My last July entry, got these Battlefield Objectives for Vanguard finished, which means I am finally ready to play a game of Vanguard once an unsuspecting friend ventures into my lair … mwahahaha :laughing:

Also started my Stormwind Cavalry, but still in the early stages of messing around with possible paint schemes and colors.

So are we all ready for an “Awesome August”? :grin:


WiP shot of the dark age Varangur.

There are a couple of light cav units (horse raiders) and a pair of displacer beasts (probably run as jabberwocky) from my old army, but everything else is from the revamp.


Managed to get this large ruins and 4 bits of woodland finished tonight.

Going to work on the 8 rocky outcrops, hope to get them finished as well.


Worked on a Water effect based army this month.


I finished all the Skulks. Posted more pictures in my showcase army thread.


Finished my second ~25 yr old unit of Bretonnian bowmen, whom I can’t decide whether to call my “Loooooooongbowmen” or the “Archers of Loaf” in honor of how long it took me to paint them.

Next I’m going to try and fix up some Knights that 15 yr old me started back in the day. I’m going to try and keep the retouching down to just a couple hours.


8 rocky outcrops finished, I am tempted to make a whole boat load more of these as they are so simple. Will be useful to recreate a very rocky area.

Reminds me of my old climbing area Brimham Rocks!


Dear all,

It’s been a while! But I am super happy to see that you are all painting! What is more, there is even greater variety of presented models, terrain etc.

Thank you very much for keeping this topic active and very much alive! You provided so much inspiration. Keep it coming! :slight_smile:


Working on the the last of my ruins. Then it is just my Saxon houses to paint, if I do 5 pieces of terrain for a table I have enough to do 4 tables. This has been a very enjoyable break from painting my Mongolians, and painted terrain really helps increase the visual appeal to a game.

Now to just wait till this wretched Pandemic passes and I can use all the painted stuff!.


i’m looking forward to seeing them on a battlefield

After a couple of busy days creating my punk version of Hrimm the Legend/Roxzstar, i’ll be going back to building more sprue bitz stone walls,( as i used the last two i made on the base of Hrimm, for him to trample into and obliterate, ) and finishing off my two bits of forests. Then maybe sculpt some icy scultures of impassible terrain peices from insulation foam scraps… maybe do a bit of hutwork too

And that is the last 3 pieces of Ruins finished.

Lurking in the background are the 4 Saxon houses to finish, then that is all my terrain done. Then back onto more sodding Mongolians!


Loving the terrain stuff.

Couple more units done.


nice work. whenever i see those models i feel that those infantry models would work well as a Draugr with some greenesh coloured flesh ect, suitably thematic, much better than zombie models for a Varangur force

Wargames Atlantic Irish - nice peasant vibe and nicely kit bashable with other historical stuff.

I was going to use these as draugr, then found a stash of warlord celts and used them.


I am working on a hut instead. Front and back wall built over the frame… I’ll need to do the sides before thatching the roof


Finalizing the paint scheme for my horses. This one isn’t completely done yet, but almost there :slight_smile:


That is a lovely horse, what kit is it from?

Thanks @Stonehorse. That’s an old Mantic metal Elven Stormwind horse