KoW in 2023

some personal thoughts about Vanguard and what to do with it:

Vanguard fills a niche that no one else covers at the moment, problem simply was that people expected something different
so it did not become the entry game to the Kings of War universe, but the game for people who wanted a fantasy version of Infinity
Yet Ambush fills the need of an entry to KoW better than any skirmish could do anyway as the transition from a single model skirmish to multi-based units is not really there

for the niche, Frostgrave is a very casual game focused on the single Hero, Freeboters Fate as another similar scaled game but has a very specific theme (which is not bad, just not for everyone), the same with Carnival or The Silver Bayonet and people are going for it as the historical-fantasy game are something people like and small number of models even make them buy into metal

having a miniature agnostic, complex skirmish (as ~10-15 models) game fills a gap and it would make sense to expand that with rules that are not linked to the models, like expanding a KoM list with different historical themes and/or doing more with the Undead (to get that certain horror theme of Musketeers fighting Werewolves) and this is also the game were I would say a historical supplement would add more than for KoW

that said, another gab is the 3D game which was once covered by Mortheim but while the game was good for campaigns and is still expanded with unofficial supplements, it failed as an on-off game as getting the terrain right was complicated
with 3D printing now this is less of an issue and the game sees more players because you need an awesome terrain filled table first, before you can really enjoy it

hence I can see a fantasy version of Deadzone, 60cm board with easy 3D terrain rules to get the ruined city/castle vipe, as an addition to Vanguard instead of replacing it
one game covers the 2x2 to 4x2 city fight board that would go along with KoW siege rules and Vanguard covers the larger board (4x2/3x3 to 4x4) and “open” field fights

also for terrain, modular medieval-fantasy terrain is hardly available, until recently the budget option was the russian castle-craft series which was on the smaller side (made for classic 28mm models) and not available any more for obvious reason
the other option is the Middle Earth terrain from GW, with the Gondor and Rohan sets being similar modular (but limited in compatibility to each other) and on the expansive side if you want to fill a 2x2 table with 3D terrain (specially as the LotR movie style is covered with STL files)
Archon Studio has a gothic-fantasy range, but they are hard to get (for whatever reason they are out of stock)

as Mantic is working with Archon, expanding on the Archon Terrain with a Deadzone like fantasy game and Vanguard as follow up skirmish game for those who want more

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I like the idea of making for Mordheim what KoW is to WHFB.

As much as I would like a light skirmish game from Mantic; it looks like a saturated space.
Both in terms of there already being many miniature agnostic skirmish games of various complexity and Mantic already having what a light skirmish game might do for Mantic.

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Ouch, guess i’ll need to pull my favorite dwarven themed music bundle to maximize the mood while painting this summer.

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Nightstalker Article is up


That looks terrific!

Plastic butchers and reapers look like what we asked for.
Resin horror is nice.
Multibases in the mega army is sensible.

Not sure the new units are necessary.

The void lurker looks excellent.

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big question now is, are the new units in the Nightstalker list or just for future TK lists (would prefer the 2nd option)

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I hadn’t considered that, but I agree.


No ratkin slaves update in the new CoK? Interesting if they finally merge AD and ratkin slaves.


That would be cool! It didn’t make sense in the first place, that Abyssal Dwarfs, who run Ratkin Slaves couldn’t use great parts of their own units.
Fluss-wise that is, game-wise it might do.


Yeah. I just want to run my abyssal dwarves with orc AND ratkin slaves . And have the option for all the abyssal dwarf units including the hellfane

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Based on an FB comment, think it is more likely that there aren’t any specific changes to the 7(?) Ratkin Slave only units - and thus no actual need to have a section in the book which doesn’t change anything?


Which brings me to the most important question of all:
Do skeletons become a viable option for undead? Please Mantic!


I preordered the book. Still no info on army changes?:slightly_frowning_face:

Since it was announced yesterday and only went on pre-order today, give Mantic a little time before doing the sneak peaks and teaser videos :wink:


Guess they haven’t started writing the rules just yesterday😉
It’s an auto-buy anyway, but it would be nice to see Mantic pitching their games more. Tease a bit of info, give peaces of the rules to YouTubers or the Podcasters out there. Like they did when 3rd edition was about to drop. Put KoW in the spotlight!

well, we know some of the global changes coming from the TK rules in the companion, and some of the changes from NA that slipped thru

All of this will be happening, but not quite yet I’d imagine

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Mantic have just ended their coverage of the new Twilight Kin release, which is the main draw of the book, because the rules will be available online.

I am curious to see how many books they actually sell this year.

Considering that we’re discussing releases that will affect the game next year, I reckon it’s time for a new thread.

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