I ran the Lord of Lies throughout 2nd ed he was my go to for my Abyssals purely for theme and because I had a neat model for him, it’s nice he’s getting a model he wasn’t the best points wise, 300 for him, but he was a Large Inf flyer with sp 10 and lightning bolt 7.
a real pain in the arse for people and I love to see him back…although I have a really nice model so Mantic’s new version will be relegated to an archfiend
Oh and he was a Legend then.
Didn’t know he existed in 2nd. Sounds cool!
I might have to scroll through ebay for cheap Abyssals. On the other hand Basilaens are supposed to be next in line…
I was going to and then cleverly remembered I have a couple of vanguard warbands and a KoW army from past kickstarters that I’ve not broken out yet so I could retire my chaos for those
saw that yesterday and I couldn’t work out if it was a trick of the edit making the mini a silhouette or if the Lord of Lies will actually have transparent wings.
I hope we get new unit rosters in 25. I thought it was nice that mantic gave firefight and their other sci fi games some love, but i’d like them to get back focused on kings for a bit.
Assume silhouette as model will be resin - but the spinning version did look more interesting than the static pic.
@TheGrizzly617 probably find out a lot more next weekend at Clash when Ronnie does a ‘this is what we have coming up’ talk, which often(!) goes further than intended depending on his beer intake!
Get that man a beer!
Hoookay, did not expect serpentine demons.
For those who want a brief rundown.
-Lord of Lies one big resin model with 2 head options
-Hero pack contents are Abyssal Champion, Seductress, Efreet and Warlock.
-Abyssal Berserkers and Nagarri are both hard plastic kits, Berserkers get 6 models, Nagarri get 3 models.
-Amush box contents are 6 Berserkers and 3 Nagarri
-Army box contents are 30 Lower Abyssals, 20 Succubi, 6 Berserkers, 3 Imps Swarms and a Seductress.
-Mega Army contents are 40 Lower Abyssals, 20 Succubi, 6 Berserkers, 6 Nagarri, 3 Imps Swarms, a Chroneas and a Abyssal Champion
-Clash of Kings 2025 edition coming up.
-Command dice for KIngs of War.
And a handy free ‘start collecting’ PDF for Forces of the Abyss containing brief lore overview, showing how to assemble a Nagarri and Berserker and some Battle Tactics.
The Abyssal releases are really cool, but the biggest news came rather unprepared (at least for me).
Clash of Kings – 2025 Edition
Prepare for another huge year of fantasy wargaming with the latest Clash of Kings book.
As always, Clash of Kings is also packed with balance tweaks and updates to keep your games fair, fresh and exciting.
As if that wasn’t enough you’ll find a wealth of new scenarios, and finally, the oft-requested introduction of command dice…more on them soon…
Kings of War Command Dice
The Clash of Kings 2025 supplement introduces an exciting new development for Kings of War: the addition of Command Dice.
A popular element of many Mantic games, these add a new element of planning and resource use to spice up your battles in interesting ways!
Command dice in KoW!! What do we think?
we will see,
the command dice mechanics in general are good and add something to the games
yet in my opinion making the different genre games to similar is bad for the health of the game
(like this being the major disadvantage of One Page rules, the very same base for everything)
if the mechanics are not just similar to the other games but something different that adds to turn based R&F rather than breaking that up, it could be something
Yes, I agree. The Faction orders / command orders in FF, DZ and Vanguard are pretty cool. I like the idea of specializing the different armies more, but balancing issues could accour. Giving Dwarfs a too easy to use armour buff or smth. More experienced players, designers and RC-members have to figure that out, I guess.
I hope these command dice are optional
I liked KoW because it was simple. Adding more actions and resources becomes tiresome and bothersome
Good idea. I can imagine them to be optional. Otherwise they have to reprint the big red book. Maybe a game mode like Ambush or Siege.
Well, I like the new models.
I think they’ve done a good job of marrying up the new models to the old models’ aesthetic. Noting new is going to look jarring alongside existing armies, and I think the make-up of the new Ambush box is clever in that it is going to be something everyone with existing armies is going to want to grab, because it’s all new contents.
Curious about the rules. Berserkers are obviously going to regenerate, and presumably pretty hard-hitting. Based on size and having double handed weapons I assume the Nagarri are going to also hit hard… Are they going to be fast? Serpent and worm rider types usually are.
As for command dice… I’ll wait and see what the rules are like, I think the reaction on KOW Fanatics is pretty over the top. It’s fine to express concern about potential rule changes, but there are people talking about walking away from the game … c’mon… wait a little bit and see what’s up.
I’d rather not.
I don’t enjoy abstract resources in other games either.
Not sure KoW needs even more adding to.
The kits look cool.
I’m not sure why the beserkers are not just plastic molochs and I was hoping for an improved Abyssal Horsemen kit.
Nagarri as large cavalry would replace the need for horsemen, but why a new unit instead of a new kit for an existing unit.
I have to assume it’s because people already own abyssal cav, Mantic or otherwise. GW did this a lot in the waning days of WHFB when we all already had armies, just add 1 character + 1 new unit to factions rather than revitalize aging kits. It sucks extra hard here because the Mantic abyssal cav are bad, really horrible material to work with, on top of old sculpts.
+1 to just replacing the (old, bad) Molochs with plastic Beserkers, if they aren’t also going to update the Molochs alongside. Updated big Molochs would look good alongside scrawny Beserkers … but I guess we’re stuck with the ugly, small, bad material Molochs still.
Like everyone else, I was interested to see what Mantic would do with the Abyssals, as the faction clearly needs some help freshening units up. I know about some adjustments we’ve not officially heard about - like changes to abyssal cav and some additional auras (like +1 regen) - but it looks like the biggest shake up has been to look at the lack of hammers in the list and, well, give us hammers! I guess I shouldn’t be sad about that? Abyssals probably needed that more than anything. But I guess it’s the more boring answer.
But also, Lord of Lies looks great. Some people are already sad about the price but he’s about half of what GW would charge, and resin does cost money.