September Spring! - Painting Topic

Don’t give him any ideas… we might see that mind melting combination soon enough :wink::laughing:

@Rusty_shackleford those look brilliant!


Thanks Rusty :slight_smile: yeah I have painted up some good old orcs recently, nice to get them out of the drawer and give them a new life. :grin:

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Hey, I know that your post was posted a while ago; but Wow! @Mikes Where did you get that dragon?


That is a “Pathfinder Red Dragon” from Reaper.


Wonderful. Thanks @DarkBlack

@Rusty_shackleford – the definitions you achieve with your highlighting are awesome. I love how your work turns out.

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Hey @rotfoot_bile , as @DarkBlack already said, it’s the Pathfinder Red Dragon.

I used the Metal version (it’s also available in cheaper plastic/“bones” material) as I still like metal miniatures the most. (I also had the plastic version and detail is just a tad less defined imho. Also it’s bendy :wink: )

I then just added a quite simple greenstuff saddle and used a rider from the old Metal Stormwind Cavalry kit.

Quite like the end result. The pose of the Pathfinder Dragon is just awesome imho and one of the best I could find :slight_smile:

(The Mierce Parawn Dragon is also awesome and I have that lined up for painting … but I am worried it might be just a bit too large to play with comfortably… it’s sticking out over the base a LOT … So I painted the Pathfinder one first. )


I was one knight short for a unit, so I fished this old Bretonnian out and speedpainted it just in time for the game! Not only is the mini from the 1996 WHFB starter box, but I used original 1990s Dark Angels Green paint, carefully nurtured back to health with acrylic medium, flow aid, retarder, water, and a lot of time in a nail polish shaker.


Well this took ages!


May have taken ages, but looks bloody brilliant!


Absolutely fantastic @DreadNort :slight_smile:

And yeah … I bet that took a while. :wink:

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Well worth the time mate - stunning job


Summer projects are in high gear to get my 2000pt list done in time for Kippers in October (Tournament on Vancouver Island, BC)

Finished my Shambler horde and Forest Guard horde this week.
There are a few models in the group shot that won’t make it into the list.


Uploading: IMG_4180.JPG…

Gradually getting there on the fleet. (This was before I had completed the Gur Panther - rebased the Gunbrig to match as the water effects I used originally were mega-crap)


Nice Sylvan Kin! I really like the darker, more neutral alignment paint job and model choices.


First two regiments of Dwarves completed.

They combine to create a horde as well.

Loving these Oathmark miniatures. Probably the high point of their plastic range for me so far.


Thanks Mark! I’m really glad that that vibe comes across. I like my Sylvan Kin to rep their spot as true neutral elves.
There are shiny Silverbreeze Cav riding through grassy mountain valleys but also Shamblers and Hunters swarming out of the darkest heart of the forest.

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Love the choice of colours, also those banners really add to the look.

The Oathmark plastic range is one to watch.


Love the colour scheme.

The oathmark heavy dwarves are a great kit as well


Thanks Sceleris.

Nearly finished another two regiments of normal infantry but already have two regiments of heavy infantry built and the armour painting completed. Heavy were even more fun to build than the normal infantry. I only scratched the surface with one box (30 minis) for two regiments (2 x 15)- I went all two handed weapons.

Thanks Stonehorse.

Banners are only printed paper backed with tinfoil with a bit of touching up and a matt varnish. I was sick of putting ‘finished’ units in their boxes with empty banner poles. I need to revisit my Undead, Elves and Goblins armies for banners - they always add to the look. I’ll leave freehand though and stick with printed images from the internet (finding professional fantasy flags to buy is nearly impossible).

Oathmark are the core units of my armies. The Dwarves are great. I loved both the Elf infantry kits as well. The Goblin wolf riders were a good kit - I loved the metal specials with the riders as well - the join down the wolves heads and their fur - not so much. Only kit I wasn’t a fan of was the Goblin infantry - built three boxes and think the poses look a bit forced - kit was hard work getting a unit together - felt forced rather than fun.

Hoping Oathmark do loads more to be honest. I’ll be looking at their new Undead at some stage when I move back to plump up that army. Heard talk of Elf cavalry as well which would be super.