Really an impressive kitbash, I’ve rarely seen a Trident King and certainly never a Mantic one. Vibrant colors make the build sing as well.
I use him from time to time when I need a shooty unit. He is not bad. Still most players just pass on him.
Thanks. Colours should work with the rest of my army… And nie I have to sell my old Trident King model!
Awesome job!
Wow! Respect. They look awesome.
Added to that, knowing just how fiddly and challenging those particular miniatures are, how easy it is for bits to randomly fall off, … serious Wow-factor!
Sculpts are great but those are females so they are in general… Subtle. Which is fantastic but takes a ton of time to paint as I was not washing skin and armour for example.
I have also pined every single model to the base. Which helps a lot. I did break one spear once but was able to drill a hand and replace the broken element.
New, updated list is live. What are your initial impressions?
The Riverguard buffs are great. 12-15 attacks with leaper and CS1 will seriously threaten some flanks as things hit the Ensnarers. The Sentinel is also a great little disruption piece that can give the Riverguard Vicious or go hopping off somewhere to murder a lonely necromancer.
Spd7 fly cs1tc2 hammers (dambusters) are pretty great. With m4 they may always want Sharpness which puts them pretty close to 300 pts at 15/17 and no waiver mitigation.
All the individuals are still great and there are a few more options to the list. Looking pretty good🙂
Not quite as major a shake up as I expected, but here are my initial thoughts:
- New dambusters looks nice, gives hard hitting hammer against high armour, and can get buffed a LOT (viscous and stealthy) are pretty good.
- Dambusters spitters don’t look as good - will try them out one day, but not exactly enfused with them.
- Arbelast looks okay, nice to get another ranged option, but competing in a very tough monster slot.
- Greater water elemental buffs Naiads - nice
- I’m really going to miss our old formation, but I really like the new interaction between Thuul and Kraken!
- New tidal swarms look amazing - a piercing range attack for like 5 points, nice.
- New riverguard feels like the old 2.0 riverguard, I liked them then, will probably take some and use in the same way (troops that threaten counter flanks)
- Wyrmriders got few more attacks, and can now gain Radiance of Life from the GWE… Not what I would call S tier, but seems nice to me.
- Siren, uhm, she seems odd to me. 100pts for a character that can cast 4 spells a turn, seems a bit crazy. I’m don’t think I like the design decision to have her be able to cast 4 spells a turn, will have to play with her a bit to see if I like it. Could be good I think, position will be everything for her.
- Various quality of life changes to characters that I like.
Overall, seems good to me. Seems like they want TR to be able to compete more in the mid to short range shooting. We got a LOT more ranged options now.
Going to miss Ineesha though
I like the indirect buff of Depth Horrors. Getting TC1 from the aura is just what they needed. The Kraken with the upgrade will see the table often I guess.
The formation is something I don’t like. Dambuster Regiments are rather in the role of thick chaff. On the other hand you don’t want to throw away your stealthy-aura while chaffing. It is something you’ll only take, if you go heavy on frogs. The former formation was rather universal.
The King has a strange change. Instead of buffing a never used unit, they debuffed it. Sure… Me3 is better than Me4, but with Attacks going down by 2 it is nearly the same hits as before. On the other hand, the ranged attack only lost 2 Attacks without getting better. They also missed the opportunity to give the only niad with regen 5+ the deserved 4+… I just don’t get that change…
What I do like is the new Siren. She can still enthral and mindfog in the same turn (as before), but the rules are more clear. Very elegant solution. In addition she now hexes for free. That is something Trident wants anyway and weakness (3) is great to support that Giga/Placoderm-Unit with the US you want to protect. I’ll for sure give her some boardtime now. She also goes well with Eckters windblast now, as she gets the unit into range and he blasts them back.
A thing they propably overlooked is Kyroqsh not getting the Deep One-Keyword. I hope they fix it. He is not a great unit even if he gets the TC-Aura.
The change with the radiance of life on Greater Water-Elementals is rather good on paper. The Niads on the front (Wyrmriders) are too fast for the Elemental to keep pace and the slow Niads (Heartpiercers and Ensnarers) don’t need it…
Cheers for the Tidal Swarm-Upgrade, the point-drop of the Dambusters and Sentinel, the new role of the Riverguard Sentinel, the 2 Attacks for the Wyrmriders and the massive point-drop of the Leviathan’s Bane. Good stuff!
Like Tagakoner said, the Arbalest has too many good competitors in the monster-slot. A pitty for a nice idea.
Things I still miss: Minis for Placoderms and Depth Horrors… Where are you, sweeties?
Good thing about Dambusters is their new cost. Loosing nimble is harsh but 230 for a horde You can buff to 280 (5 point brutal, 45 sharpness). Which is expenvie. There are cheaper hammers with Me 3+ which can take Brew of Str for cheaper but still. Better than before.
I personally like new Leviathan Banes’ cost and small buff to trident King. Siren feels OK but will not see a lot of table time.
Some solid points!
a.d. 1. I will use them. I really like the models and CS1/TC2 vs Def 5/6 is great. Especially with Vicious and brutal,
a.d. 2. I like them a lot. They cost 165 and not super durable but 12/14 is not bad and 12 shots is very solid. 14" can keep them out of most infantry and large infantry as well. I see them in a MSU type of list!
a.d. 3. This is a theme choice. You want shooting list, You take those. You play more standard list You take knuckers etc.
a.d. 4. Sadly he does not heal other elementals. Elementals are in several other armies so that would be to good in Nature,
a.d. 5. New formation is perfect for a MSU list I was hoping for,
a.d. 6. Good change. Nokken were in a wierd place. Now 2-3 hordes of swarms sounds cool in a Barkskin list.
a.d. 7. Indeed! I had the most fun with them in 2.0. They had vicious in 2.0 but 3.5 is more about synergies so I like the Vicious aura. Also Leader gives them new options! They had no Ensnare in 2.0 so I like new the best. Better defence for shooting frogs, leaper, more attacks but a bit more expensive,
8. My issue is Speed 7, shambling vs speed 8, nimble.
9. She lost range on her entral so not a good choice for a shooty list anymore.
Problem I have with Dambuster regiments is tat they lost nimble and nimble is something regiments used often.
King got better. 10 attacks on 3+ gives 6,7 hits. If you are hindered you average 5. You had 6 and 4 with Me 4+. Shooting lost 2 Dice but gained shattering. King also got TC(2) instead of TC(1). …one last thing. GWE can heal King.
Siren lost 6" on her enthral. This is hard. Still I like the IDEA behind her. Might use her on a weakness list.
I like placoderm BUFF. I must paint minę finally. After all those years. Shielded naiads with pikes.
I agree with GWE. A BUFF hard to use. Ensnares benefit from barkskin better and other naiads are to small or to fast. King is the exception.
Arbalest - Perfect chaff for my shooty list.
I really like those Mantic fishmen we’ve seen as well! But I guess let the frogs have their day in the sun
Thanks for letting me know the 2024 TR list is out, I’ve just had a rebuild of my TR rebuild … and it’s largely unchanged. I’m currently giving Wyrmrider hordes a shot (again), and +2 attaks is nice but honestly it doesn’t wildly change them. Likewise the swap from Rampage (D3) to Slayer (3) on my Krakens is cool but won’t change their role as fast anvils. I do like the King Kraken upgrade, even if I don’t run Thuul. The Placoderm US4 bump is cute and I’ll take it in a heartbeat, tho again, doesn’t change their role for me.
I guess overall, for an existing army like mine, I appreciate the updates even if they haven’t catapulted my army into another tier. It still feels like an army that’s largely about shooting/control with potential sustain/defense of various flavors (D6+ or ensnare or regen 4+), but still hurting for hammers. I’m actually happy to see Dambusters not become auto-take like most flying large cav, tho I am a bit surprised that they didn’t get much better? Possibly worse with the nimble loss.
EDIT: Just noticed Placos are 15/17 now! For a tasty 16/18 with bastion. That’s pretty beefy for US4, D6+ phalanx bros. They don’t do much else and slowly chip down, but I’ll take it!
All the changes we got are cute. Something here, something there. No major synergies like Frozen.
Changes allows maby extra unit per 2300 or just a bit better profile. Mantic did a good job not making a single unit stand out. Struggle is the name of the gamę lol
Not sure if You notices but Sentiel got 5th attack too.
Oh I completely miss read the Treeleaper range attacks, I thought they only shot with 6.
Okay yeah, they are better than I thought - could be nice with the formation…
I would have loved it if the Dambuster regiment hand nimble but the horde didn’t. Feels like it could have been good (easier to wrangle 3 frogs in the same direction as opposed to 6).
What do you guys think of the new Dambuster sentinel? With all the upgrades he costs about the same as the old one, but I think he is considerably better. I played a tournament with him last year, mainly because he was painted (and I really like the model) and I was surprised how well he did in most games. And he is as fast as the sentinel, so I think will work well with the formation in support.
Unfortunately it feels like he competes with the Wyrmrider centurion a bit in terms of role. I think in most cases you probably want the Dambuster? Although he is more fragile.
I’m a bit surprised we didn’t get a Pondwarden on foot - but I guess he would have filled effectively the same role as either the Dambuster sentinel or the Depth horror eternal, so not a major loss I guess.
Small thing, but I’m a bit sad that our new formation didn’t get a lore paragraph. I know it doesn’t make any change in the rules, but I liked that Ineesha and crew had a bit of their own fluff.
No nimble makes Dambuster regimenst less of a choice. And formation has the same issue. Stealthy regiment with no limited reach (when most other grofs will leap 14" and pivot).
Sentiel is a big upgrade. Still not a Centurion lvl of resilience (no regen and Mighty) but extra attack, great aura. Centurion on a Oceanborne Wyrm - I like him but no ensnare hurts him a lot. More nerve with regen is always better so small units/heores with regen are less popular.
Unless You were thinking about Dambuster Sentiel vs Naiad Wyrmrider Centurion. Those are interesting. Especially with Pondwarden (You are right, where is foot version we got in League of Infamy) . Regular dambuster Sentiel is lighter Centurion. With lover nerve but with a bit more punch. Pondwarden is 15 less than Naiad rider (You can get LL+1 for that price) but have some health restoration. So the tradeoff is punch vs resilience/speed. I think I might use Pondwarden soon. I ordered a model too.
I believe we get some lore soon. When this get printed. All we have on this kingdom is this:
> Medu’Syth
*> *
> The largest and most powerful of the kingdoms is Medu’Syth. This vast realm of reef-cities and cave-dwellings covers many hundreds of leagues of ocean floor beneath the Endless Sea, sprawling across Pannithor’s equator and culminating in the great undersea city of Yth’Medu, with its labyrinthine mazes of coral, sunken elven ruins, and carved rock-temples. If any of the fishmen’s territories can be said to be cosmopolitan, it would be Yth’Medu. Here large domes of magical energy create pockets of air so that friends of the riverguard may take respite from the salty sea, and even emissaries from the Brokenwall Islands may visit to treat with the ruling family. None should ever mistake the hospitality of the Sythians for weakness, however, for any outsider who has laid eyes on the glories of Yth’Medu cannot have failed to notice the living forts of the placoderm army, and the ceaseless patrols of those ferocious warriors.
I’m tempted to try to make the amphibian build work, the new models are brilliant so there’s going to be a lot of them hopping around, maybe with some little frog swarms for tidal swarms to keep the theme running.
Stacking vicious and stealthy auras on a bunch of dambusters is definitely going to be fun to play around with, just enough to boost the regiments from chaff to something to be concerned about, brew of sharpness on a horde to take on anything.
An interesting build could be having short ranged attacks on lots of stuff, mass of tidal swarms all shooting, stacked leaping riverguard troops with javelins all shooting too, having treeleaper dambusters form an additional layer of shooting behind all that could be one of the niche uses for an otherwise weak unit, but the unit being irregular probably rules that out. Treeleaper dambusters are a new hard plastic unit so it’d be nice to think of a use for them, but I’m all out of ideas.
Levithan’s Banes now look worth taking, should be able to reliably force nerve tests which is useful since trident realm doesn’t tend to wipe units off the board, a couple of them in the back for minimal investment (if someone goes after a US 0, 70 point unit, it’s really no big deal). Useful for mopping up combats where the trident realm unit lost, but did some damage before getting wiped out.
I like to boost LBs AP to 3. Those used to cost 115 points in the beginning of 3.0
Your list idea is a MSU I will eventually try out!
Sharpness on Dambusters is not that bad. 290 with sharpness and brutal… is hard but does a ton of damage with strider an vicious nothing is save vs this unit. Not with -3 armour.