It’s that time of year again, to look to the future and say we’ll do better next year. Possibly even set some goals.
Few things planned:
A - paint up the 3k of Abyssal Dwarfs I built towards the end of this year.
B - build & paint swamp themed Trident Realm army (much of which has already been bought).
C - build and paint more militia WGA have released a peasant sprue and villagers and guardsmen kits forthcoming.
D - finish painting Halo stuff (plus probably the upcoming releases)
E - try to avoid getting into Deadzone after building all the plastic terrain from the above!
F - do similar amount of events as last year.
I’m hobbying undead in 2025.
I have an undead army on spures in my cupboard and I’ve decided to get it painted this year. I’m already getting a feel for the army by trying it out on UB.
I have almost an army’s worth of assorted fantasy minis, I should get some of them painted. At least enough “good guys” to play Deth Wizards.
I typically have a 15mm project on the go all the time, as the in progress miniatures are small enought to fit in my portable hobby box. It will be Vikings this year, though I’m not saying I’ll actully get the army done.
To phrase that as goals:
- Play Undead at the Halloween event my scene (Hamilton Ontario) has in October.
- Play a game of Deth Wizards, with painted miniatures.
- Get some Vikings painted. Hopefully get the project organised and the miniatures primed.
- EDIT: Get my Napoleonic Bavarians on the table for at least one game.
B sounds like an interesting project. Water effets are an adventure. Lots of frogs, I hope?
Good muck with E, but I’m not sure that would be a bad thing.
Watch out for ending up with enough Deadzone that you might as well try Firefight
This is the general planning for B, plus I’ve since picked up some previous era saurus warriors as placoderms.
E will almost certainly fail and I’ll get some! Have a firefight asterian intro set free from Clash, which look quite nice, and there is so much fun stuff in the whole DZ range.
I think next year i am going to make my hobby goals a little different. Instead of aiming to paint a particular army i am going to aim to engage more with the community. So goals are:
- Attend small KoW event in January and hopefully a couple more later in the year
- Get more involved locally (with restriction of job and kids meaning this is probably one thing a month!) Maybe including demoing firefight.
- Get distracted by epic in march!
- Help my daughter put together a forces of nature army (mainly 3d printing elementals!)
- Support my son (who has done nearly 2300 of nightstalkers and a whole plague force for firefight)
Not highly ambitious but now i have a fully painted Ogre force and two firefight armies i can relax and dabble here and there.
Unfortunately I also am looking to start a wetland froggy army this year, hopefully they don’t come off as too similar!
Those WGA peasants look fantastic, I resisted buying a box just for more improvised weapons and Chaos Cultist kitbash fodder! Let us know how the box looks in real life once you get a chance to mess around with it.
Complete more minis in 2025 (painted and based) than in 2024. I painted just shy of 200 minis and have based 7 infantry regiments, 3 monster/titans, and all (3) 40k and one off (2) models I painted this year.
Complete, playable 2300 points of undead. This means basing my legion of zombies, building, painting and basing wights, and finish painting revenant king on undead burrowing worm.
Stay on top of painting my spouse’s Ratkin (not leaving 2025 with unfinished minis unless bought on black Friday or later)
Dedicate time to UB/play by email (new concept for me) so I can make informed decision of next army list. Choice between Sylvan Kin, Trident Realms, Varangur and Herd. Have never played against any of these lists, so that means learning the software and messing around with up to four new armies.
Get started on Elves/frogs/lizards army. To beat my mini count that’ll probably be at least 6 infantry regiments unless I cheat and count cavalry as 2 minis.
Low priority:
- Finish repairing admech army from a nasty move so I’ll have 2 playable OPR armies
Cool. A couple of local players have stunning vibrant ocean/barrier reef style TR armies so wasn’t going to try to compete.
If you don’t paint everything brown you’ll be fine!
- Add 2500 points across my various armies.
- Play 30 games (2.5/mo).
- Attend two in-person tournaments.
- Write at least one post a month on
- I want to add additional skeleton infantry and skeleton horsemen to my Empire of Dust army. I’m going to buy Wargames Atlantic sets, because I want super-simple models that my kids can have a go at painting. These models are literally naked skeletons, so they should be pretty hard for them to mess up.
- I want to add additional shooters / boomers and a giant to my Ogre army, just to make it a bit more interesting. Possibly even some goblins, for the sake of colour and variety.
- Twilight Kin, not a priority, but my son wants to get himself some more fleet wardens and void skiffs.
- Forces of the Abyss army is chunky at the moment, no plans for anything additional.
- I have the Bolt Action 3rd edition rulebook, and I am flirting with the idea of buying a couple of platoons and dice set, to play some small games and see if I like it. I don’t particularly want to play Deadzone, HALO or go back to 40k, but I miss individually-based shooty games.
- I have Wargames Atlantic’s THE LAST WAR boxed set, and I need to paint up those models and look at what else I need to play. From reading the scenarios, quite a few additional models would be required to play all the scenarios … mainly monsters.
- Build / Paint 1,000 points of Orcs and Abyssal dwarves on multi bases. Same army with extra units on the side to oean more into either but a core of both with the orcs being slaves.
- Paint enough halflings to reach 2,300 points. I hate painting these models… Humans maybe involved so 2,300 of LoR
- Not 3d print anything im not going to immediately paint.
- Get involved in the local community.
I did the classic dropping gaming in the mid 20s til mod 30s and I need to reconnect. - Attend 1 tournament with a fully painted army. I will have to keep an eye on the dates but its a goal.
Ok i failed most of my 2024 goals and i wont do all of them again but here are my 2025 goals:
Finish my Basilea army including basing etc. At least enough to have a tournament ready army.
Wrapping up my Bretonnians for The Old World. That means rebasing the remaining models and finish painting what is not painted yet (20 kitbashed Foot Kights, 12 kitbashed Questing Knights, 1 Duke on Pegasus, 1 Paladin on Pegasus, 1 Metal Foot Knight, 6 Grail Knights from 5th Edition, 6 Pegasus Knights, 1 Duke on Hippo).
Getting a Fire Fight force (Enforcers) and paint them like ADVENT Troops from XCOM 2
Halflings… it is finally time to get started on my Halfling army. I have ca. 3k points filling up my pile of opportunities.
Getting started on a second army for Conquest Last Argument of Kings (City States)